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At 28 AUG 2012 07:23:01AM Bill North wrote:

I am getting the following error after trying to configure DER

"The attempt to contact the encryption server at NT2:8188,RTIDER@Ardbrook.local failed.

Communication error: -2147352567

Unable to determine if server is configured.

Please confirm that the address, port and User Principal Name settings are correct."

Any help would be appreciated.


Bill North

At 28 AUG 2012 08:29AM bill caisley wrote:

At which step do you get this error message?

At 28 AUG 2012 10:00AM Bill North wrote:

Error message on step two after entering in server, port and user

At 28 AUG 2012 10:56AM bob carten wrote:

Hi Bill,

Can You see the DER service running on the server?

Is the port open on the firewall?

At 28 AUG 2012 11:37AM Bill North wrote:

Hi Bob,

Thanks for that! The port was not open! I am now getting as Assign Role Managers but on double clicking the message "Searching.. Finding Active Directory Group Names" appears and I stall there. Is there something else I need to have setup?



At 28 AUG 2012 11:55AM bob carten wrote:

The DER wizard is calling a function named RTI_GETLDAPGROUPS. The function can take a long time to run.

At 28 AUG 2012 12:32PM Bill North wrote:

More than 15 mins?

At 29 AUG 2012 03:53AM Bill North wrote:

After 45mins I have cancelled out of the process.

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