SENDMAIL - HELLO FIRST (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 15 MAR 2021 01:27:03PM Mike ONeal wrote:
Hi folks - I am receiving this response on a SENDMAIL
"FROM 503.5.5.2 Send Hello First"
OI 9.4 system. Can someone tell me how to send this "hello"?
Thanks much, Mike O.
At 15 MAR 2021 03:06PM D Harmacek wrote:
Hi Mike,
I send lots of emails in 9.4 systems and have never seen this.
Please show your code so we can see what function you are using for sendmail. There have been a number of them over the years. I'm using RTI_CDOMail which was in 9.3. These was a patch file for 9.4, too.
Dave Harmacek - Harmacek Database Systems - near Boston, MA USA
At 15 MAR 2021 03:23PM Mike ONeal wrote:
Hey Dave! I am not familiar with RTI_CDOMail, will check it out. This is what I have, which I pulled from a Help screen.
Thanks, Mike O.
subroutine email_error_notice(null)
Declare Function SENDMAIL, Msg
mailservername = ""
Sendername = ""
Recipient = ""
Subject = "Something bad happened"
Body = "ALERT!!"
CC = ""
BCC = ""
replyto = ""
content = ""
attachmentfilelist = 'C:\TEMP\TEST.TXT'
username = ""
password = ""
retval = sendmail(mailservername, sendername, recipient, subject, body, cc, bcc, replyto, content,attachmentfilelist, username, password)
Convert @vm To '-' In retval
Convert @fm To '|' In retval
x = Msg(@Window, 'Retval was |':retval)
At 15 MAR 2021 03:44PM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, Mike. SENDMAIL is a really, REALLY old program, and doesn't conform to many (most? any?) modern standards for email anymore. As David has suggested, you should really be using something like RTI_CDOMAIL, or perhaps even better RTI_SENDMAIL…
- Bryan Shumsky
At 15 MAR 2021 03:49PM Mike ONeal wrote:
Hi Bryan - So noted, will take a look at RTI_SENDMAIL. Thanks much, Mike
At 15 MAR 2021 04:08PM D Harmacek wrote:
Post removed by author
At 15 MAR 2021 04:11PM D Harmacek wrote:
Searching the KnowledgeBase and this Forum didn't show RTI_SENDMAIL.
I did find it in the OINSIGHT 10 documentation.
Which has exactly the same parameters as RTI_CDOMail:
call rti_CDOMail(mailservername, sendername, recipient, subject, body,cc, bcc, replyto, content, attachmentfilelist, Username, Password, useSSL, otherOptions)
Dave Harmacek - Harmacek Database Systems - near Boston, MA USA
At 15 MAR 2021 04:26PM Mike ONeal wrote:
rti_cdomail worked like a charm - thanks guys! Mike O.