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At 30 OCT 2023 10:55:03AM bshumsky wrote:

Revelation Software is pleased to announce that all current manuals have been converted to Wiki format and are now available for on-line search and inquiry. You can take a look at them here:

Revelation Wiki

Now that the documentation is in a more easily updatable format, we hope to be able to update and enhance it going forward, and we plan to include local copies of the wiki as the source for keyword help in future versions of OpenInsight.

As wikis are also designed to allow community input, any users who might wish to contribute to the Revelation wiki are encouraged to contact us at info @

As always, any comments are appreciated.


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 30 OCT 2023 02:46PM Donald Bakke wrote:

Revelation Software is pleased to announce that all current manuals have been converted to Wiki format and are now available for on-line search and inquiry. You can take a look at them here:

Revelation Wiki

Now that the documentation is in a more easily updatable format, we hope to be able to update and enhance it going forward, and we plan to include local copies of the wiki as the source for keyword help in future versions of OpenInsight.

As wikis are also designed to allow community input, any users who might wish to contribute to the Revelation wiki are encouraged to contact us at info @

As always, any comments are appreciated.


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

Bryan - This is excellent news. Thanks to the entire Revelation team for putting this together.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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