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At 03 SEP 2003 09:07:54PM Mark Ford wrote:

I wish to change the oconv and iconv of a number of window controls prior to reading a record. The record being read includes a field containing the oconv/iconv to be used to display some of the data included in the record. Each data record maintains different information in various formats thus the need to change the oconv of controls prior to displaying the data. The same logic holds true for saving the data.

Using I have a copy of copy of Sprezzatura's Revmedia Technical briefings I have most controls displaying the data correctly. However, the edit table data continues to be a problem. The edit table consist od five colums and colums 3 and 4 are used to disolay data which uses the oconv and iconv being passed in the record.

To change the edit table iconvs and oconv's I have tried many different options.

My code is as follows:

iformat=(MD2)" " hard code for test purposes


thisinfo =ControlSemantics@

* I determined the edit table is the 12 control in ControlSemantics

controlnames=thisinfo ; the correct col headings are passed to the variable

xx=thisinfo ; * svm list of the oconvs

xx=iformat ; *change the oconvs for the 3rd col in the table

xx=iformat ; * change the oconv to the 4th col in the table

xy=thisinfo ; svm list of iconvs



Thisinfo=xx ; Now relace the new data in Control S record

ThisInfo =xy

ControlSemantics@ = ThisInfo

If this code is correct what do I need to do to make the change take effect in the window?

At 04 SEP 2003 03:25AM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:


Any reason you're using the Window Common area to do this? Have you looked at the VALID and CONV properties which should allow you to do this?

The Sprezzatura Group

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