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At 22 SEP 2002 05:28:04PM wrote:

I am trying to get a list of all connection objects in the repos.

To Quote the Help Document ..

AppId Application identifier. If null, all applications are included

This does not *seem* to be the case. My current system has 14 connection objects in the SYSREPOSDATASOURCE table. These span 4 applications.

The routine does correctly return the ones for the current application but how do i get all of them (without reading the table .. nono)

Thanks onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a

refreshing change;return(true)"

David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions

Phone: 971-570-2005

OS: Win2k sp2 (5.00.2195)

OI: 4.1.1

PII 300 laptop

At 16 OCT 2002 03:35PM wrote:

any action on this onmouseover=window.status=the new revelation technology .. a refreshing change;return(true)"

David Tod Sigafoos ~ SigSolutions

Phone: 971-570-2005

OS: Win2k sp2 (5.00.2195)

OI: 4.1

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