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At 27 JAN 2004 06:41:49AM wrote:

Is there an event which I can fire off which tells me when I am over the data table AND which row/column the mouse is over.

If so could some nice person give me an example ..


DSigs Radio Free Oregon

Phone: 971-570-2005

OS: WinXP Pro

OI: 7.0

At 27 JAN 2004 09:11AM Donald Bakke wrote:


You have to roll this one out yourself using WINMSG and capturing the WM_SETCURSOR WinAPI message. Here is a post that shows how we use both of the above to trap right-clicks so we can have context menus for edittables. This is essentially the same information in our Creating a Custom Event white paper.

You will have to add more logic, however, to do the work of telling you what cell in the edittable you are floating over. Both SRP and Sprezz have a utility which does this. We have sold this to some of our developer customers (by itself and as a feature of FrameWorks) so we need to have you contact us if you are interested in more information. I don't recall if Sprezz markets their utility or not.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 27 JAN 2004 10:03AM wrote:

Thanks for the reply .. will check out the links provided

DSigs Radio Free Oregon

Phone: 971-570-2005

OS: WinXP Pro

OI: 7.0

At 28 JAN 2004 03:33AM Tim Marler wrote:

Maybe we could have a MouseOver event in 7.1

That would be cool.


At 28 JAN 2004 04:33AM Donald Bakke wrote:

Maybe we could have a MouseOver event in 7.1

Why wait? This is one purposes of the EventDesigner. This is essentially what we have already done. The aforementioned white paper discusses how to do this.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 28 JAN 2004 08:28AM wrote:

yes .. it can be done which is one of the great things about MV systems and specifically OI. You can do most things

The reason to request it as part of the system then it will hopefully be supported by the system.

AND everyone has access to the same process. They don't have to figure out the bits of event designer (i've misplaced the docs) etc. Let's see create an item then create some code that checks for stuff and calls some other code .. is that right .. yeah .. ok ..

I think Tim and I are in pretty much agreement here .. that OI should/will need to do most everything that the other tools can do.

DSigs Radio Free Oregon

Phone: 971-570-2005

OS: WinXP Pro

OI: 7.0

At 29 JAN 2004 04:56AM Tim Marler wrote:

Exactly, Sig.

I can start VB or .Net and have a MouseOver and bubble help without having to worry about bits, bobs and bytes or have I run Declare_Fcns (that's probably wrong but that's the whole point!!!).

Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate the leaps forward that the current RevSoft development team are taking and this was just an "off the cuff" desire. But I get paid to develop applications for my employer and not work out how to code a MouseOver event.


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