UTF8 Engine logging (OEngine Server)
At 07 SEP 2021 03:39:59AM Ed Keeman wrote:
In the logging of the commandline version from the Oengineserver we sometimes see strange output.
We communicate over UTF8.
Writing response: *000015180☺HTTP/1.1 200 OK …. data … have *1524* chars to output output *1526*, have *-2* left to output
The first 8 chars say there are 1518+8 1526 chars for output.
If we read 1526 chars then the log says have -2 left to output.
Should we worry about this?
Ed Keeman
At 07 SEP 2021 08:23AM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, Ed. Most of the debugging output is only ansi/ascii aware, so I'm not surprised if it gives…odd…answers when doing UTF8 output.
I guess the most important question is, is the output what you expect?
- Bryan Shumsky