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At 08 NOV 2020 06:51:26PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:

We have a client running oi 9.3.2


Server 2012

64 bit

File with 200k records

We have a Date index on it

but doesn't want to work anymore

we also get other records being truncated, record size 5000 bytes

have now deleted the index and try to rebuild it

and I get an error message as follows:

Unknown Error: Code 262,20,%2%

then rebuild it but still not working….

However, it works fine on my server, similar specs

Another puzzle to solve..


At 09 NOV 2020 03:55AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

FS262: The lock waiting period has expired. (%1% seconds).

So something is holding a lock.

As for truncation - more details please.

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 09 NOV 2020 03:50PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:

I think I fixed it

I upgraded from 9.32 to 9.4

as when I tested on my local attaching the data using 9.4 there was no problem.

So at the moment its running, will keep an eye on it

Thanks for comments


At 09 NOV 2020 10:01PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:

So the problem is still there

if the user selects the file by date then it seems the file gets locked by the service

Then no one can access the file

if I unlock the file/record then If I do the select on the server its all good and works ok

tried different workstations as well

The details and connection is

Windows 10 Pro 64Bit 16GB Intel i5-3570K \\\csoft9\OINSIGHT.exe /AP=STD /UN=ROHIT

I cant recall seeing this before but seems like a size issue?

Not ready for version 10 as yet…


At 09 NOV 2020 11:10PM Donald Bakke wrote:

Have you installed the 9.4 clientsetup on all workstations?

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 10 NOV 2020 12:23AM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:

We just got the client to run it on one of the workstations

and it seems to run ok now

Will let them do a full test tomorrow and advise.

Thanks Don..

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