Rdk Install (None Specified)
At 11 JUN 1999 07:26:35AM Anders Lindholt wrote:
Any news refering to you email:
Anders -
This is a reproducable bug in RDKInstallInit. We are working on a solution. I'll let you know the status by the end of the week.
Revelation Software
best regards:
Anders L.
At 11 JUN 1999 09:38AM Chris Revelation wrote:
Anders -
The RDKInstallInit bug will be fixed in the next upgrade to OpenInsight. I don't have a release date, but the developers are working on it now. When I get a date, I will let you know.
Revelation Software
At 25 JUN 1999 07:21AM Cameron Purdy wrote:
We do have a fix for the RDKInstallInit problem, but it did not work at a particular customer site, and we are trying to determine why.
Cameron Purdy
Revelation Software