Return value from MSG using msg_txt (None Specified)
At 24 SEP 1999 04:03:09AM Bertil Strom wrote:
Hi everyone
When using the msg_txt option i msg it returns the
default value when pressing "Avbryt" (Abort in english but i figure that you understand)
How can I check to se if the Abort butten is pressed, when using this option ?
Here are the code just to be sure that there is no misunderstanding:
msg_txt ='
msg_txt =S'
msg_txt =Enter a value or press Avbryt'
msg_txt =?'
msg_txt =RC'
* 990924 Even tryed as a function
* ans=msg(@window,msg_txt)
Bertil Ström
At 24 SEP 1999 05:07AM Oystein Reigem wrote:
Use "RCE". See Msg docs.
- Oystein -