How many users must I have for O4W? (O4W)
At 18 APR 2023 07:50:03PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
How many user system do i need to do anything in O4W? I only have a 3 user system. I get *too many users* messages when I am doing just about anything. This happened in a report creation and form creation. It usually takes a while before it happens so it is a drag as the work is lost <sigh>
At 18 APR 2023 08:08PM Donald Bakke wrote:
How many user system do i need to do anything in O4W? I only have a 3 user system. I get *too many users* messages when I am doing just about anything. This happened in a report creation and form creation. It usually takes a while before it happens so it is a drag as the work is lost <sigh>
If this is for development purposes only, then you need a minimum of 2-3. 1 for development and 1-2 for the web engines.
If this is for deployment purposes, you need a web deployment pack, which simply means a minimum of 10 users.
Are you seeing the "too many users" message with your web engines? Have you experimented with the MaxEngines setting in the eserver.cfg file?
At 18 APR 2023 08:40PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
Hi Don …
This is for development only. I find that 3 is not enough. when I do something simple like go to the db management section I get the error.
I will look at eserver.cfg file. thanks for the tip
At 18 APR 2023 09:41PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
MaxEngines was set to 10 .. so changed it to 3 and it continues to fail <sigh>
At 18 APR 2023 10:07PM Donald Bakke wrote:
MaxEngines was set to 10 .. so changed it to 3 and it continues to fail <sigh>
I wasn't sure that was all you needed to do, but I thought it might be a stepping stone.
What exactly are you observing? Does this happen immediately after you restart your engines or is this a problem after you have processed a couple of requests? Does it just appear that once the engines have been used then they remain open and unavailable? Have you even tried to set the other flags, like MaxUpTime, StartupFlags, etc? I'm not looking at the docs at the moment so I forget which ones are relevant. Also, the Registery entry might override what is in eserver.cfg in some cases.
At 19 APR 2023 08:30AM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, guys.
First off, let me remind you all that if you use the OI 10 IDE to develop your O4W apps, then the O4W request do not consume ANY additional licenses. This requires you to be talking to the built-in web server (the one that's in the engine server), and as I mentioned you must be using the IDE tools (new/entity or open/entity). This is the most convenient way to do O4W development without worrying about the number of licenses, but it does require you to have a big monitor (so you can maximize your IDE and tool panels).
Now, David, if I read this correctly, you have a 3 user dev license? And you told the engine server to have max engines at 3? And you still had the IDE open? So that's…more than 3 in total, or am I miscounting?
If you wish to pursue using O4W external to the IDE (either with IIS or Apache, or using a desktop browser), then we can try to configure things to allow you to work within your license limits…
- Bryan Shumsky
At 19 APR 2023 12:19PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
It appears to be mostly after processing a couple of requests. The engines appear to remain open . I will try to play with the flags you mentioned today …
At 19 APR 2023 12:26PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
Hi Bryan ..
I am not using a dev license with the OI IDE. This is web only development. Dosen't the IDE take up an engine?
I guess i really am not very smart … how do you use the OI IDE to create web apps. I am talking wysiwyg and form building. How do you do that through the IDE? Man i am stupid <sigh>
At 19 APR 2023 02:11PM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, David.
The IDE does consume a license, but it's not a license that the engine server "serves up". The max engines parameter in the engine server refers ONLY to the engines that the engine server creates/manages (so, engines that for example "service" the O4W pages). If you open 2, or 3, or 10 OpenInsight copies on your workstation, the eserver.cfg settings don't have any impact - but each instance of OpenInsight.exe will "consume" one of your available licenses, up to the number you're allowed.
To use the IDE to develop O4W, go to the "File" menu, choose the "New" submenu, and select "Entity…". Then look for "O4W" in the left-hand panel, and choose the type of O4W entity you wish to create - form, report, etc.
Once you have one created, you'd go to the "File" menu, choose the "Open" submenu, and again select "Entity…". Now you'd find O4W in the left-hand panel, and then the type of O4W entity you wish to open in the drop-down list. Then select the o4w entity that you wish to edit from the displayed list.
In OI 10.2, the IDE itself can "run" O4W, even without the engine server, but you want to make sure it's configured correctly. In your application, go to the IDE, Settings menu, Application Settings, and set the "IDE O4W Virtual Directory" value to "console" (no quotes). Also go to the IDE, Settings menu, IDE Settings, general tab, and make sure the "Console server type" is set to "internal".
If you'd rather use the engine server for some reason, you will instead need to set the Console server type to "External", and set the IDE O4W Virtual Directory to whatever virtual directory you've defined in your eserver.cfg that logs in to your current application.
Hope that helps,
- Bryan Shumsky
At 19 APR 2023 02:34PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
not sure why it is so confusing .. docs etc but I know that is just me
Thanks for the information
At 19 APR 2023 07:44PM Barry Stevens wrote:
Post removed by author
At 19 APR 2023 07:46PM Barry Stevens wrote:
not sure why it is so confusing .. docs etc but I know that is just me
Thanks for the information
not sure why it is so confusing .. docs etcOh Yes I am with you there buddy.
At 19 APR 2023 08:43PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
I tried to set it up exactly as …
In OI 10.2, the IDE itself can "run" O4W, even without the engine server, but you want to make sure it's configured correctly. In your application, go to the IDE, Settings menu, Application Settings, and set the "IDE O4W Virtual Directory" value to "console" (no quotes). Also go to the IDE, Settings menu, IDE Settings, general tab, and make sure the "Console server type" is set to "internal".
when I try to new, entity, o4w, form i get:
Hmmm… can't reach this pagelocalhost refused to connect.
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall
I guess it is not for me. Still not sure why the engines would continue to create when it reached the limit. I just wanted to do this as a user/dev would. like i said guess it is not for me.
Thanks for all the help bryan .. sorry we worked hard to get IIs working when i can't even use it.
At 19 APR 2023 08:47PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
Thanks Barry … at least i wrote FindInFiles in O4w, though that was some many years ago :)
Good luck
At 19 APR 2023 09:20PM Barry Stevens wrote:
I checked my setup and only had to …and set the "IDE O4W Virtual Directory" value to "console" (no quotes)
o4w login form
enter the same username/password as I am using via the url access.
the username/password is being rejected
At 20 APR 2023 09:39AM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, Barry. Sorry, are you saying you are trying to use the IDE-based O4W pages as well, now? Do you have the "Console server type" in the application's IDE Settings/General tab set to "internal"?
Or were you using the IDE-based O4W pages and now you want to use it from a different (desktop based) browser?
- Bryan Shumsky
At 20 APR 2023 04:08PM Barry Stevens wrote:
Hi, Barry. Sorry, are you saying you are trying to use the IDE-based O4W pages as well, now? Do you have the "Console server type" in the application's IDE Settings/General tab set to "internal"?
Or were you using the IDE-based O4W pages and now you want to use it from a different (desktop based) browser?
- Bryan Shumsky
I have been using the desktop browser all this time.
I have all the settings you described and was just wanting to see the how IDE access would work.
At 23 APR 2023 08:43PM Barry Stevens wrote:
Hi, Barry. Sorry, are you saying you are trying to use the IDE-based O4W pages as well, now? Do you have the "Console server type" in the application's IDE Settings/General tab set to "internal"?
Or were you using the IDE-based O4W pages and now you want to use it from a different (desktop based) browser?
- Bryan Shumsky
I have been using the desktop browser all this time.
I have all the settings you described and was just wanting to see the how IDE access would work.
Went back to and is now working.
Probably since a reboot