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At 01 JAN 2010 04:21:54PM DSig (SigsSolutions, Inc) wrote:

I am having problems with installing under both 32 and 64 bit systems. On 64bit it freezes for quite some time then says it failed install. Under 32bit it freezes for a while but then says REV.NET installed. Then says

"This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package."

What package??? I got packages for christmas and they all worked. I got some 32bit sw for christmas it install correct. What package are they talking about?

At 01 JAN 2010 04:29PM dsigafoos wrote:

I forgot to mention that when i run OIPI_EXAMPLES1 (or 2) I get

"OIPINet may have been updgraded: your version 4.2 and available version 4.8 found…"

At 01 JAN 2010 07:24PM Bryan Shumsky wrote:

Hi, David. This is not an unexpected response if you'd previously had OIPI.Net installed on your workstation, but did not (successfully) run the clientSetup to update it with the latest version. The system is reporting that the prior version has been found, though a more current version is available in the OpenInsight directory.

You may want to uninstall the .NET assemblies provided by us from that workstation (OIPINet, RevDotNet, etc.), and then try to re-run the clientSetup to see if that works. Note that if you had installed a beta release on that workstation, it might account for the difficulty (I believe the documentation suggested it might require manually uninstalling those assemblies prior to clientSetup if that was the case).

Note, too, that we are planning to re-test the clientSetup on 64bit versions of Windows after the holidays.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software

At 01 JAN 2010 07:30PM Bryan Shumsky wrote:

The new .NET functionality is distributed via the Microsoft installer "package" technology. The fact that these packages, at Christmas time, did not work for you must indicate that (at least according to Microsoft), you have been a "naughty boy".

I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do. You should be thankful that Microsoft's "change silicon into coal" technology hasn't been deployed yet, or your computer would be worse off still.

In a more serious vein - though I'm pretty certain you _did_ understand what was meant there - this message (or these messages) indicated that the .NET "assemblies" (comparable to our old-timey DLLs) were not successfully installed on your workstation. We will be re-testing the clientSetup after the holidays (both 32bit and 64bit) to see what's going on there…

Ho ho ho,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software

At 01 JAN 2010 08:16PM DSig (SigsSolutions, Inc) wrote:


happy holidays ..

Testing the 64bit version will be good as on 2 machines i have tried installing on both boxes had problems

At 01 JAN 2010 08:23PM DSig (SigsSolutions, Inc) wrote:

i feel like i work for scrooge and simply want to be warm .. please sir … 1 more piece of coal

Let me know if you need a boat anchor to test against

At 01 JAN 2010 08:36PM DSig (SigsSolutions, Inc) wrote:

I tried uninstalling "OIPISetup" which is the only thing that looked like it belonged to the OIPI problems.

Tried reinstalling and no good .. same problem during install.

At 01 JAN 2010 10:33PM Bryan Shumsky wrote:

You should find a file named (I think) OIPISetup4.8.msi in your OI folder, in the OIPINET subdirectory. If you manually copy it across to this workstation, and double-click on it, you should be taken through the (interactive) installation process. Does it still fail? Does it provide any more details as to what it doesn't like? Is this on a 32 bit, or 64 bit, workstation?


At 01 JAN 2010 10:36PM Bryan Shumsky wrote:

Happy holidays to you too, David. Nice to see that we're all spending the holidays with our loved ones (and by that I mean of course the Rev user community).


We'll check out both the 32 bit and 64 bit clientSetup issues next week, and let you all know what we find.

At 02 JAN 2010 01:17PM DSig (SigsSolutions, Inc) wrote:

I think in this case I might have confused the situation. This is a single computer install. The workstation is the "server".

The reason I tried the client install is because of the message i received first time i ran a printer routine (in this case oipi.examples1). It said i had an older version and should install.

I did try running it and it appears to have run sucessfully BUT i don't know if it fixed the problem or not … is there a way to display the version of the controls (like oipi_examples1 tries to do)?

Thanks for hanging in there … and on a holiday too

At 03 JAN 2010 05:41AM Bryan Shumsky wrote:

The easiest way to see if the problem is now solved is to get out of OI, come back in, and try to print again - does it still give you the "newer version" message?

During the install or upgrade, I believe it gives you the option to run the clientSetup on the 'server' in cases like yours (a single computer install). Did you not have, or not take, that option during the install or upgrade?


At 03 JAN 2010 08:38PM DSig (SigSolutions) wrote:

Yes I ran it during the install but it still failed (both 32/64) That is why i tried the client install

At 13 JAN 2010 05:10PM Jared Bratu wrote:

This is a follow up on the post. Changes have been made to the ClientSetup.exe package to clean up some of the registrations on 64bit machines. The clientsetup.exe program may report errors copying and registering DLL's in the System32 directory. Some of the DLL's on 64bit machines are already included and do not need to be registered. The new ClientSetup program should be included in OI 9.2 and will fix the erroneous registration errors.

At 13 JAN 2010 07:21PM DSig (SigSolutions) wrote:

Thanks for the update. I look forward to 9.2

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