EXCEL colour cells (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 29 SEP 2020 09:00:01AM Martin Drenovac wrote:
Evening folk, i have made an attempt to trawl the OI forum for answers, however, it appears i cannot correctly format the enquiry
i have to format an excel sheet with data in specific cell positions, which i think to do with a 'paste' from an OI array, comma seperated
however, then i have to go back and shade and colour some cells which serve as headers / titles
does anyone have a sample piece of code possibly
cheers TIA
At 29 SEP 2020 09:03AM Andrew McAuley wrote:
World leaders in all things RevSoft
At 29 SEP 2020 09:10AM Andrew McAuley wrote:
Oh yes, my search was
Excel and color
and "all posts". Have to pander to their weird spellings ;)
World leaders in all things RevSoft
At 29 SEP 2020 09:13AM Martin Drenovac wrote:
Cheers Andrew
i did see this, but was thwarted by the "]" references in the post, though i think it's meant to be "→" as in the format of property mapping inside of Scripts.
thank you again for the support - cheers Andrew
At 29 SEP 2020 09:53AM bob carten wrote:
Colin's snippet metions an issue with the " →" syntax shortcut
Also, there is a nasty surprise if you are not aware, these color settings dont seem to work within an OI form event. You need to put the code into a stored procedure and run it from there. Its just one of those things that are not explained, and you have to waste a day or two before you realise.
Unfortunately the "→" syntax means one thing in the event editor and another in the stored procedures editor.
The event editor / precompiler tries to convert → into get_property or set_property statements
The basic+ editor converts → into OleGetProperty, OleSetProperty, OleCallMethod statements.
You must eschew the → shorthand in favor of using the full syntax if you want code which will compile in either the event designer or the Basic+ editor.
At 29 SEP 2020 06:45PM Martin Drenovac wrote:
Cheers Bob, I actually tend not to write Scripts, makes for another hole where code hides
am re-reading a few of your earlier posts also to see what else other than the basics of Excel we can actually manipulate
thank you again
At 29 SEP 2020 07:00PM Carl Pates wrote:
Just leaving an FYI here for future referece:
Version 10 doesn't have this restriction on using object notation (→) differently in scripts or SSPs - you can use it in either and mix and match - it can work out if you're referring to a GUI object or an OLE object.
More details can be found in this post