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At 22 DEC 2011 09:04:52AM John Bouley wrote:

I upgraded my 9.21 system to 9.3 and no errors were reported. A check of the Who screen shows:

Version 9.3.0

Build Date 17 February 2011

I am also having problems launching the new BRW

Any ideas?



At 22 DEC 2011 10:10AM bshumsky wrote:

I upgraded my 9.21 system to 9.3 and no errors were reported. A check of the Who screen shows:

Version 9.3.0

Build Date 17 February 2011

I am also having problems launching the new BRW

Any ideas?



Hi, John.

There are several ways to launch the new BRW:

On the new IDE, if you go to the Application Tools menu, there's an entry for the Banded Report Writer.

Also on the new IDE, in the Application Manager, the last icon is the button for the new Banded Report Writer.

On the old IDE, in the Application Manager, the OI Banded Reports button should launch the new Banded Report Writer.

If these don't work to actually start up the new BRW, then the problem may be that the new client files (required for the new BRW) aren't installed, or aren't working properly.

Did you run the clientsetup.exe manually, or allow the client files to run as part of the upgrade?

You may re-run the clientsetup.exe, making sure you have administrative privileges, to see if that resolves the problem.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 22 DEC 2011 10:33AM Jared Bratu wrote:

That date is from 9.2.1. A properly upgraded system should have a date of 19 December 2011. Full install versions will have a 20 December 2011 date.

Re-apply the upgrade and watch for any failures during the RDK install process.

At 22 DEC 2011 12:32PM John Bouley wrote:


I let the installation run the clientsetup after the install was complete.

I just reran the clientsetup manually and BRW still will not launch. I will reapply the 9.3 upgrade.


At 22 DEC 2011 12:41PM John Bouley wrote:


I reapplied the upgrade and it is the same. Here is the contents of the Upgrade.log file:

Upgrade Log

Started: 12:37:03 22 DEC 2011

Attach table failed in line 42

Attach table failed in line 43

Attach table failed in line 44

Attach table failed in line 45

Attach table failed in line 46

Attach table failed in line 47

Attach table failed in line 48

Attach table failed in line 49

Attach table failed in line 50

Attach table failed in line 51

Attach table failed in line 52

Attach table failed in line 53

Attach table failed in line 54

Attach table failed in line 55

Attach table failed in line 56

Attach table failed in line 57

Attach table failed in line 58

Attach table failed in line 59

Attach table failed in line 60

Attach table failed in line 61

Error (100) deleting row "$INET_REVAZEUS" in line 67

Error (100) deleting row "SYSPROG*STPROCEXEINET_REVAZEUS" in line 68 Error (401) opening the "DICT.CUSTOMERS" file in line 71 Error (401) opening the "DICT.CUSTOMERS" file in line 72 Error (401) opening the "DICT.CUSTOMERS" file in line 73 Error (401) opening the "DICT.PRODUCTS" file in line 380 Error (401) opening the "DICT.PRODUCTS" file in line 381 Error (100) reading upgrade row "AUTHORIZE_PROC" in line 539 Error (100) reading upgrade row "BROWSERS" in line 540 Error (100) reading upgrade row "CFG_OIPI" in line 711 Error (100) reading upgrade row "$REGCLOSEKEY*EXAMPLES" in line 1673 Error (100) reading upgrade row "$REGCREATEKEYEX*EXAMPLES" in line 1674 Error (100) reading upgrade row "$REGQUERYVALUEEX*EXAMPLES" in line 1677 Error (100) reading upgrade row "$REGSETVALUEEX*EXAMPLES" in line 1678 Error (100) reading upgrade row "DSBFS_CONNECTION_COMMON" in line 2600 Error (100) reading upgrade row "DSBFS_EQUATES" in line 2601 Error (100) reading upgrade row "DSBFS_LC" in line 2602 Error (100) reading upgrade row "MVBFS_EQUATES" in line 2628 Error (100) reading upgrade row "MVBFS_HANDLER_QM_EQUATES" in line 2629 Error (100) reading upgrade row "OLE_GETWEBPAGE" in line 2663 Error (100) reading upgrade row "RDKMODULEINSTALL" in line 2675 Error (100) reading upgrade row "REGISTRY_METHOD" in line 2679 Error (100) reading upgrade row "RTI_BITMAP_IDX_EQUATES" in line 2693 Error (100) reading upgrade row "RTI_DERXML_TEMPLATE" in line 2697 Error (100) reading upgrade row "RTI_DER_EQUATES" in line 2698 Error (100) reading upgrade row "RTI_HASHTABLE" in line 2703 Error (100) reading upgrade row "RTI_HASHTABLE2" in line 2704 Error (100) reading upgrade row "RTI_HASHTABLE2_SCRIPT" in line 2705 Error (100) reading upgrade row "RTI_SOURCEDIFF_PROCESSOR" in line 2713 Error (100) reading upgrade row "RTI_SOURCEDIFF_TEXT" in line 2714 Error (100) reading upgrade row "TGBFS_EQUATES" in line 2741 Error (100) reading upgrade row "TGBFS_LC" in line 2742 Error (100) reading upgrade row "U2UBFS_EQUATES" in line 2743 Error (100) reading upgrade row "U2UBFS_LC" in line 2744 Error (100) reading upgrade row "U2_BUFFERSLC" in line 2745 Error (100) reading upgrade row "U2_EQUATES" in line 2747 Error (100) reading upgrade row "U2_KEEPALIVE" in line 2750 Error (100) reading upgrade row "U2_KEEPALIVE_MONITOR_EVENTS" in line 2751 Error (100) reading upgrade row "U2_LC" in line 2752 Error (100) reading upgrade row "U2_OLECALLER" in line 2755 Error (100) reading upgrade row "U2_TIMEDATE" in line 2757 Error (100) reading upgrade row "WINTEGRATE_CHILD_FORM" in line 2760 Error (1003) writing upgrade row "SYSPROGDM_MAIN.COLUMNS_LIST" in line 5961

Error (1003) writing upgrade row "SYSPROGDM_MAIN.FILES_LIST" in line 5962 Error (1003) writing upgrade row "SYSPROGRTI_RPT_GRID.GRID" in line 5963

Error (401) opening the "DICT.CUSTOMERS" file in line 37

Error (401) opening the "DICT.CUSTOMERS" file in line 1119

Error (401) opening the "DICT.PRODUCTS" file in line 1842

Error (1003) writing upgrade row "SYSPROGDM_MAIN.COLUMNS_LIST" in line 1910 Error (1003) writing upgrade row "SYSPROGRTI_RPT_GRID.GRID" in line 2182

Error (401) opening the "DICT.CUSTOMERS" file in line 3353

Error (401) opening the "DICT.PRODUCTS" file in line 3599

Error (1003) writing upgrade row "SYSPROG**DM_MAIN.FILES_LIST" in line 5305

Finished: 12:39:22 22 DEC 2011

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