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At 14 JAN 2021 09:28:13AM Rich Channer wrote:

Hi Folks,

Someone refresh my head - how do I activate UD logging - I have created every flavour of LHxxx.log file I can think of in the UD folder, bounced the service, and nothing goes in the log files.

What should it be called?

We are using LH47…

Cheers, Rich

At 14 JAN 2021 09:40AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

LHXXX is to track local activity. To track server activity I think it's revlhsrvc.log

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 14 JAN 2021 09:41AM Donald Bakke wrote:

Hi Folks,

Someone refresh my head - how do I activate UD logging - I have created every flavour of LHxxx.log file I can think of in the UD folder, bounced the service, and nothing goes in the log files.

What should it be called?

We are using LH47…

Cheers, Rich

Have you just tried LH4.LOG?

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 14 JAN 2021 09:45AM Donald Bakke wrote:

LHXXX is to track local activity. To track server activity I think it's revlhsrvc.log

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

Andrew is, of course, correct.

From 109-974 UD47 NUL Installation.pdf:


For debugging purposes, you can create the LH46SRVC.log file in the subdirectory where the LH47NUL.exe is

located. This will log all the calls to the Universal Driver with no noticeable speed penalty. After you create the

LH47NUL.LOG file, you will need to stop and restart the LH47NUL.EXE.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 14 JAN 2021 10:44AM Rich Channer wrote:

Thanks Don,

That's the badger - now that file fills up fast!

Cheers, Rich

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