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At 11 MAY 2021 06:20:08PM Robert Lee wrote:

Hi Bryan

I am using the following code: O4WQualifyEvent(htmlCtrlEntID, 'CUSTOM_keyup')

This successfully causes a keyup event whenever a key is pressed on the htmlCtrlEntID element. However, it does not tell what key was pressed. Only the value of the element is returned. Am I missing a parameter or something to get the event.keyCode?


Robert Lee

At 12 MAY 2021 08:21AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi Bryan

I am using the following code: O4WQualifyEvent(htmlCtrlEntID, 'CUSTOM_keyup')

This successfully causes a keyup event whenever a key is pressed on the htmlCtrlEntID element. However, it does not tell what key was pressed. Only the value of the element is returned. Am I missing a parameter or something to get the event.keyCode?


Robert Lee

Hi, Robert. When using a custom event, all we're doing is telling O4W to tell you that the event happened. Since this can be ANY event, there's no way this generic handling can return any event-specific information (as that will of course vary from event to event).

If you really want to know what's going on, I'm afraid you'd have to create a javascript (or, better, a jQuery) function that attaches to that event, gets whatever information you want, and then passes it in to O4W.

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 17 MAY 2021 08:20PM Robert Lee wrote:

Roger that. That makes sense. Thanks. :-)

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