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At 10 MAR 2005 10:38:22AM Charlie Engler wrote:

I hope I can clearly explain my problem so here goes….

I have tons of code in AREV in which I use the Insert command to append data to mv fields in a record as follows:


At times, one of the variables does not contain data. In AREV, the Insert command would still insert an @VM and all fields would contain the same number of @VM's. Life was good in those days.

Now, I'm coverting from AREV to OI. I am again trying to use the same code but noticed that if a variable that does not contain data is passed to the Insert command, an @VM is no longer inserted in that field and the number of @VM's is not the same in all the fields.

I end up with a record as follows:

   Field1   Value1 @VM Value2 @VM Value3 @VM Value4
   Field2   Value1 @VM Value3 @VM VAlue4
   Field3   Value1 @VM Value2 @VM Value3 @VM Value4

In the above example, Value2 in Field2 did not contain data and therefor the Insert did not add an @VM for that position. When I loop through the data later, the positions will be mismatched.

I know I can work around this by using the format Field=Field:@VM:NewValue, but this would require a lot of unnecessary code changing and seems like a step backwards.

Perhaps I'm missing something here but it seems like the Insert command should still be able to accept an empty variable passed to it and still append an @VM in the proper place.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

At 10 MAR 2005 10:56AM John Bouley wrote:


Are you sure it is the insert command or is it the save of the data by the form. We have found that if a field that is part of an associated mv array is saved by a bound form the save process strips any extraneous vms. Having said that if a value is added it will save the data at the correct level.

I would change your code to be as follows.

pos=count(master_amv,@vm) + (master_amv ne ) + 1 master_amv=newdata1 field2=newdata2 field3=newdata3 —- so instead of using an insert you calculate the next number and always replace. HTH, John </QUOTE> —- === At 10 MAR 2005 11:06AM Colin Rule wrote: === <QUOTE>Yes, the Insert does not insert empty values. This as far as I know, is known and written that way. Perhaps not compatible with Arev, but it is by design. Johns suggestion is the best solution, and is how I do such things too. Colin </QUOTE> —- === At 10 MAR 2005 01:15PM John Bouley wrote: === <QUOTE>Also, I checked AREV and it also will not Insert null values so AFAIK this behavior hasn't changed. </QUOTE> —- === At 11 MAR 2005 06:01AM wrote: === <QUOTE>We ran a quick program in AREV 3.12 and OI 7.1: <code> A=' A=INSERT( A, 1, -1, 0, 'A' ) A=INSERT( A, 1, -1, 0, )

A=INSERT( A, 1, -1, 0, 'C' )

A=INSERT( A, 1, -1, 0, ) A=INSERT( A, 1, -1, 0, 'E' ) </code> which gave A a value of <code> A²²C²²E </code> as expected. The Sprezzatura Group Web Site World Leaders in all things RevSoft </QUOTE> —- === At 11 MAR 2005 11:41AM Warren Auyong wrote: === <QUOTE>Try this: A=' A=INSERT(A,1,-1,0,)


A=INSERT(A,1,-1,0,) A=INSERT(A,1,-1,0,'C') A=INSERT(A,1,-1,0,)

At 11 MAR 2005 11:52AM Warren Auyong wrote:

Even more dramatic:


FOR I=1 TO 4

A=INSERT(A,1,-1,0,) NEXT I A=INSERT(A,1,-1,0,'F') As far as I recall this is normal behavior for every MV system (Pick) that I've used. Never use the -1 insert if nulls are involved. </QUOTE> —- === At 11 MAR 2005 12:03PM Warren Auyong wrote: === <QUOTE>If recall the rational behind this is as such A=' A=INSERT(A,1,-1,0,)

If a @VM was appended and you did a COUNT(A,@VM) + (A NE ) you would be led to believe the data count was two. Also if you did A EQ you would get the results you expected, but if you did A EQ '' you would not.

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