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At 25 NOV 2020 06:12:52PM Richard Richter wrote:

I'm trying to use the included Java and host. I changed to the OEngineServer v10.0 (OpenJDK) service to access them. I tried http://localhost/o4w/OECGI4.exe/inet_trace and got nothing. So, I checked the properties of the OEngineServer v10.0 (OpenJDK) service. The path to executable is:

C:\Revsoft\OInsight10\jre\bin\java.exe -classpath C:\Revsoft\OInsight10\oeserver\wrapper.jar -Xrs -Dwrapper.service=true -Dwrapper.working.dir=C:\Revsoft\OInsight10 -Djna_tmpdir=C:\Revsoft\OInsight10\oeserver\bat\/../tmp -Dwrapper_home=C:\Revsoft\OInsight10\oeserver\bat\/.. -Djava_exe=C:\Revsoft\OInsight10\jre\bin\java.exe\Revsoft\OInsight10\jre\bin\java.exe -Dwrapper.config=C:\Revsoft\OInsight10\oeserver\conf\wrapper.conf -Dwrapper.additional.1x=-Xrs -Djna_tmpdir=C:\Revsoft\OInsight10\oeserver\bat\..\tmp org.rzo.yajsw.boot.WrapperServiceBooter

I seem to have all the necessary folders and what I can tell of the required files. I don't remember being asked if I wanted to use the included files but if I was I probably would have answered no since it was running perfectly. the 64 bit java free download no longer is supported and IIS doesn't seem to work with the built-in Java. How can I get this to work?

Richard Richter

At 26 NOV 2020 10:51AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Richard. Are you saying you're trying to get this working on localhost using the web server that's built in to the engine server, or you're trying to get this to work using localhost and IIS?

If you're trying to access the web server that's built into the engine server, it runs on a different port, so you must specify that as part of the URL - something like:


If you don't specify the ":<portnumber>" in the URL, it will try to run on port 80 (the default for an http request), and that's where IIS would be running.

So please clarify what you're trying to do, and then I can try to give you some more advice.

Also, if you've got the open-source Java installed on your system, then you must have told the installer you wanted it (or you downloaded it yourself at some time) - it doesn't put it on your system unless that's what you specified during the installation. But in any case, it would NOT have removed any other java you had installed - in fact, it doesn't set up any PATH entries, which is why access to it must include the full, explicit path to the java files. So if you had any other Java on your system, it should still work.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 26 NOV 2020 10:57AM bshumsky wrote:

Also, when you say you "got nothing", what exactly do you mean - a blank screen? An error message?

If you're trying to use IIS, what do your settings in the registry look like? If you're trying to use the built-in web server in the engine server, the information that's in the eserver.cfg would control access, but if you're using IIS the information is contained in the registry.


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 26 NOV 2020 11:28AM Richard Richter wrote:

Hi, Richard. Are you saying you're trying to get this working on localhost using the web server that's built in to the engine server, or you're trying to get this to work using localhost and IIS?

If you're trying to access the web server that's built into the engine server, it runs on a different port, so you must specify that as part of the URL - something like:


If you don't specify the ":<portnumber>" in the URL, it will try to run on port 80 (the default for an http request), and that's where IIS would be running.

So please clarify what you're trying to do, and then I can try to give you some more advice.

Also, if you've got the open-source Java installed on your system, then you must have told the installer you wanted it (or you downloaded it yourself at some time) - it doesn't put it on your system unless that's what you specified during the installation. But in any case, it would NOT have removed any other java you had installed - in fact, it doesn't set up any PATH entries, which is why access to it must include the full, explicit path to the java files. So if you had any other Java on your system, it should still work.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

Good Morning Bryan,

Happy Thanksgiving. Obviously, I'm not cooking and I assume you're not either otherwise we'd be slaving away at the stove. We've ordered food delivered - my wife can't cook to save her life. Even when we have guests, they won't eat her cooking.

I'm trying to get my website up and running again after I bought a new laptop and installed OI 10.0.8. I have the free download Java which I understand doesn't work and I want to use the open-source java. I was using IIS and I transferred the econfig file and entered the registry items. I was getting a blank screen when I entered the original post but when I tried "http://localhost:18888/o4w/start.htm" it brought up the O4W Web Toolkit screen. It won't let me log in obviously so I tried other applications i.e. Examples. That also brought up the O4W Toolkit. If I substitute any other application I get:

HTTP ERROR 404 Not Found

URI: /cd/start.htm


MESSAGE: Not Found


Powered by Jetty: 9.4.24.v20191120 Also, "" gets: This site can't be reached refused to connect I think I answered your questions and filled in what I've done. Any suggestions? Happy Thanksgiving Richard Richter </QUOTE> View this thread on the Works forum...

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