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At 30 JAN 2020 07:07:06PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:

I have a simple ZipCode table with index on zip code, city and state. In a form I have a lookup for the index like

              Table = 'ZIPCODE'

               NdxFields = 'CITY,STATE,ZIPCODE'

               DispFields = 'CITY,COUNTY,COUNTRY,STATE,ZIPCODE'

               Convert "," to @Vm in NdxFields

               Convert "," to @Vm in DispFields

               Key = IndexLookup(@Window, Table, NdxFields, DispFields, "SINGLE", "")

when the lookup runs if you click on zipcode it will list all zipcodes in the table including duplicates. is this right? I would think that there would be one for each zipcode

At 30 JAN 2020 07:14PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:

Sorry … didn't complete my thought .. If i enter City of Portland I get a lot of index entries for cities other than Portland. This doesn't seem right. I have rebuilt several times but still the same

At 31 JAN 2020 11:42AM bob carten wrote:

Hi Dave,

In the screenshot below, the zipcode dropdown offers all zipcodes despite my entering "BOSTON" as the desired city. That is expected behavior. Are you asking if other dropdowns in an indexlookup should limit their values based on the what you have entered? That is a good idea, but not how it works today.


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