Editor ++ in 9.0 (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 15 JAN 2009 06:02:29PM Paxton Scott wrote:
Is the Editor supposed to launch from the Application Manager button?
It launches ok in the REV_IDE and the 'old' (fast) editor launches from the button on App Manager OK.
At 15 JAN 2009 06:16PM dbakke@srpcs.com's Don Bakke wrote:
This depends on how your OINSIGHT.INI file is configured. It doesn't change simply by upgrading. Most like you have a '4' in the relevant position witin the SideBarToolList settings. If you change this to a '15' then it will give you the Editor ++ launch button.
At 16 JAN 2009 11:15AM Paxton Scott wrote:
Thanks for the tip, but I have the button, it just does nothing.
I have both a 4 and a 15 as I still like the old editor for some things. (Wish I could turn off the colorization which is pretty slow on large files. And, Ctrl-V triggers it although paste from the mouse does not. Have to remember to use the mouse to paste and old habits die hard.)
I guess it could still be an oinsight.ini issue.
Hve fun,