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At 18 JUL 2021 04:13:34AM cmeyer wrote:

Are there any precuations in sharing data between OI9.4.6 and OI10.0.8.1.

During testing phase at a trusted client I would like some authosrised used to be using OI10.0.8.1 while othr users remain using OI9.4.6

E.g conflict using UD5.2 and UD4.7 simultaneously, any indexing issues etc.

Any advice would be grateful.


At 18 JUL 2021 04:57AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

Obviously, we will defer to Bryan for the definitive answer on this, but the only clients we have with a similar scenario are using the UD5 with 9.4 too.

The Sprezzatura Group

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At 18 JUL 2021 10:27AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Chris. Unfortunately, two (or more) Universal Drivers cannot access the same file reliably (and certainly not at the same time). The first UD that accessed the table would "own" it, and the subsequent UDs would be denied access.

If you want the OI 10 users to be "test" users, you could duplicate the OI 9.x tables. But if you want them both working on "live" data, then I think you have two choices:

- Get the UD 5 for OI 9.4, and then you can have a single UD that both OI 10 and OI 9.4 can use; or

- Maintain separate tables and somehow synchronize/update them (NOT the recommended solution)

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

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