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At 10 MAR 2023 02:38:36PM John Bowen wrote:

The Hide Engine flag is not working in Arev64 in OI 10.2. I've tried using the command line argument and updating the RXI file.

At 13 MAR 2023 10:25AM bshumsky wrote:

The Hide Engine flag is not working in Arev64 in OI 10.2. I've tried using the command line argument and updating the RXI file.

Hi, John. To clarify, you're trying to start up JUST an AREV64 window (without an OpenInsight instance)? Or you're trying to launch an AREV64 window from an OpenInsight IDE?

What's the exact command line that you're using?


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 13 MAR 2023 10:44AM John Bowen wrote:


We are trying to start up JUST Arev64. Without the Hide Engine flag, two engines would start up. When I set the Hide Engine flag one engine starts up.

We are currently using the command below to start up Arev64. The hideEngine flag is currently set to 1 in the Relo.rxi file. I have also tried using /HE and /HE=1 arguments on the below command line.

L:\Revsoft\OInsight\OpenInsight.exe /AP=RELO /UN=JBOWEN /PW=xxxx


At 13 MAR 2023 10:56AM bshumsky wrote:


We are trying to start up JUST Arev64. Without the Hide Engine flag, two engines would start up. When I set the Hide Engine flag one engine starts up.

We are currently using the command below to start up Arev64. The hideEngine flag is currently set to 1 in the Relo.rxi file. I have also tried using /HE and /HE=1 arguments on the below command line.

L:\Revsoft\OInsight\OpenInsight.exe /AP=RELO /UN=JBOWEN /PW=xxxx


Hi, John. Thanks for that. What does your CFG_CTO record look like? Are you trying to use AREV64 via the engine server (CFG_CTO field 1 contains the URL/IP address of the machine running the engine server) or directly connecting to the OENGINE (CFG_CTO field 1 is most likely ".")?


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 13 MAR 2023 11:15AM John Bowen wrote:


The Cfg_Cto*Relo has a '.' if field 1.


At 13 MAR 2023 03:57PM bshumsky wrote:


The Cfg_Cto*Relo has a '.' if field 1.


Hi, John.

I'm not seeing an oengine for the AREV64 window, unless I have the startup/shutdown flags set to '1' in the CFG_CTO record (as one would if they wanted to run the OI debugger). Is that the situation you have?

If I don't have a '1' in startup and shutdown flags, then running AREV64 doesn't seem to start a new visible oengine for me…

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 13 MAR 2023 04:27PM John Bowen wrote:


I removed the startup and shutdown flags and the engine is no longer visible.

Thanks for your help.

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