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At 26 JUN 2023 04:18:26PM Greg Helland wrote:

Last week RTI_SET_DEBUGGER was working fine. Today I got to TCL and type in RTI_SET_DEBUGGER 1<Enter> and AREV64 says it does not recognize the word. Anything you can point me to?



At 27 JUN 2023 02:20AM Donald Bakke wrote:

Last week RTI_SET_DEBUGGER was working fine. Today I got to TCL and type in RTI_SET_DEBUGGER 1<Enter> and AREV64 says it does not recognize the word. Anything you can point me to?



If you are experiencing the same thing I've experienced, you must exit TCL first before you get that message. I'm not entirely sure why it comes up, but I've traced it to when I call RTI_SET_DEBUGGER at an execution layer higher than 1. I found out that if I associate this command to a macro then it works just fine. I've seen this with OI 9 (AREV32) and OI 10 (AREV64).

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 27 JUN 2023 02:55PM Greg Helland wrote:

Yes, that is exactly when it happens, when I close TCL. I will tried using a macro to execute this and that worked. Thanks!

Also, I maintain source in a file like BPS and object in BP, depending upon the module. The graphical debugger was not finding the source etc. Do you know if there is a way to set the source? I tried opening the source but that did not work. Had to compile it in the source file to get the debugger to work and then at TCL type RUN Sourcefile Programname.

As always, thanks Don for your guidance and help.


At 27 JUN 2023 03:23PM Donald Bakke wrote:

Yes, that is exactly when it happens, when I close TCL. I will tried using a macro to execute this and that worked. Thanks!

Also, I maintain source in a file like BPS and object in BP, depending upon the module. The graphical debugger was not finding the source etc. Do you know if there is a way to set the source? I tried opening the source but that did not work. Had to compile it in the source file to get the debugger to work and then at TCL type RUN Sourcefile Programname.

As always, thanks Don for your guidance and help.


The location of the R/BASIC code does not matter. The graphical debugger works with the precompiled code which is stored in the OI_PRECOMPILED_CODE table. You need to make sure the Save Precompiled Source setting is set in the Database Environment Settings.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 27 JUN 2023 06:00PM Greg Helland wrote:

Saved Precompiled Source was and is checked. This only works if the source and object are in the same table. I tested a number of ways. I have an AREV editing program we created called TS (TimeStamp) that is run by typing into TCL:

TS BPS TESTPROGRAM GDH <Enter> TS invokes the editor and then when finished it puts a time stamp into field 2 of the source code with the users name (GDH) and then brings me to a Documentation window to give a summary of what was done. TS then copies the object code to the BP table from the BPS table and deletes is from BPS.

So, that is what happens.



At 27 JUN 2023 07:09PM Donald Bakke wrote:

Saved Precompiled Source was and is checked. This only works if the source and object are in the same table. I tested a number of ways. I have an AREV editing program we created called TS (TimeStamp) that is run by typing into TCL:

TS BPS TESTPROGRAM GDH <Enter> TS invokes the editor and then when finished it puts a time stamp into field 2 of the source code with the users name (GDH) and then brings me to a Documentation window to give a summary of what was done. TS then copies the object code to the BP table from the BPS table and deletes is from BPS.

So, that is what happens.



Interesting. I don't think I've relocated source in an AREV32/64 application (used to do it all the time in ARev) so I will take your word for it. But that said, isn't this the behavior you would expect?

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 27 JUN 2023 07:12PM Greg Helland wrote:

Yup, I guess so. Thanks.

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