Depreciated MapiSendMail (OpenInsight 32-bit)
At 23 JUL 2021 10:22:19PM cmeyer wrote:
After updating Microsoft terminal server (not by me) on Sunday 18th July 2021 the emailing option of the OIPI screen export function hangs Oinsight 9.4.6. Microsoft has depreciated MAPI so I replaced the SYSPROG MAPISENDMAIL function with a PBC MAPISENDMAIL function that used OLE (thanks to Bob Carten) to use Outlook. To enable overriding the SYSPROG MAPISENDMAIL I had to comment SYSENV*SYSPROCNAMES line 1195 to compile the PBC MAPISENDMAIL version.
Not sure what will happen when performing another OI10 conversion.
Can I suggest we have an option to select an OLE emailing to replace the MAPI version
At 23 JUL 2021 11:10PM Barry Stevens wrote:
After updating Microsoft terminal server (not by me) on Sunday 18th July 2021 the emailing option of the OIPI screen export function hangs Oinsight 9.4.6. Microsoft has depreciated MAPI so I replaced the SYSPROG MAPISENDMAIL function with a PBC MAPISENDMAIL function that used OLE (thanks to Bob Carten) to use Outlook. To enable overriding the SYSPROG MAPISENDMAIL I had to comment SYSENV*SYSPROCNAMES line 1195 to compile the PBC MAPISENDMAIL version.
Not sure what will happen when performing another OI10 conversion.
Can I suggest we have an option to select an OLE emailing to replace the MAPI version
I think I saw in another thread that this is what MD (the arev VOC) is for, unless I have the wrong end of stick.
Create a MD record for MAPISENDMAIL that calls <my_ole_sendmail>
At 23 JUL 2021 11:22PM cmeyer wrote:
I have successfully converted MapiSendMail to my PBC account (problem solved) but concerned about the impact on OI10 conversion. Also, I suspect other developers will be impacted with the depreciation of MAPI after a Microsoft update. I would like to have the option of choosing MAPI or OLE to send emails via Outlook as part of the Revelation SYSPROG system.
At 24 JUL 2021 10:23AM bshumsky wrote:
Hi, Chris.
In OI 10, there is no support for MAPISENDMAIL - all MAPI functionality (last updated back in 1996) has been removed. Instead, you are encouraged to migrate to RTI_SENDMAIL, or RTI_EMAIL_CLIENT for more complete control. These use the much more modern SMTP, IMAP, or POP3 interfaces. Even if you need to communicate with Exchange Server (long a MAPI-using service), you can use SMTP/IMAP/POP3 instead.
You will also notice that in OI 10, there is no longer an option to directly email from OIPI (either OIPI "classic" or OIPI.Net), so you may have to programmatically provide that functionality if it's still required.
- Bryan Shumsky
At 24 JUL 2021 10:41AM cmeyer wrote:
Hi Bryan,
Thanks for the heads up. I will try to get around the problem.
At 24 JUL 2021 07:41PM cmeyer wrote:
Hi Bryan,
Rather than removing the emailing option from OIPI, would it be possible to have a second parameter in CFG_OIPI that contains the name of a stored procedure used by the developer to invoke emailing. If the second parameter exist make the check box visible for the user and pass the parameters in the message variable. I do this all the time where a client want somethng different and put the alternate routine in a config file.
Let me know what you think.
At 25 JUL 2021 07:37PM Barry Stevens wrote:
After updating Microsoft terminal server (not by me) on Sunday 18th July 2021 the emailing option of the OIPI screen export function hangs Oinsight 9.4.6. Microsoft has depreciated MAPI so I replaced the SYSPROG MAPISENDMAIL function with a PBC MAPISENDMAIL function that used OLE (thanks to Bob Carten) to use Outlook. To enable overriding the SYSPROG MAPISENDMAIL I had to comment SYSENV*SYSPROCNAMES line 1195 to compile the PBC MAPISENDMAIL version.
Not sure what will happen when performing another OI10 conversion.
Can I suggest we have an option to select an OLE emailing to replace the MAPI version
I think I saw in another thread that this is what MD (the arev VOC) is for, unless I have the wrong end of stick.
Create a MD record for MAPISENDMAIL that calls <my_ole_sendmail>
Just a heads-up for anyone following this thread. Creating an MD record for your alternative to MAPISENDMAIL works to call your routine when MAPISENDMAIL is used.
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