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At 13 DEC 2000 09:58:22AM Oystein Reigem wrote:

I have a client with a Windows 2000 server, who might want to acquire the Revelation Windows 2000 Service. But first she wants to see how much of a performance improvement it can offer. I assume I'm allowed to lend her my copy of the program for a limited test, but I'm not sure I have the correct version. I have the Revelation NT Service 1.5 and not the Revelation Windows 2000 Service. Are they different?

- Oystein -

At 13 DEC 2000 10:09AM WinWin/Revelation Technical Support wrote:

Nope. They're the same.

Renamed in the Microsoft fashion.

Mike Ruane

At 13 DEC 2000 10:36AM Oystein Reigem wrote:



- Oystein 2000 -


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