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At 28 MAY 2020 06:05:15AM cmeyer wrote:

I updated a client with the latest application version from my development laptop. I did this by copying all the OV & LK files from the laptop OI folder to the client server. This worked fine and the application is running as expected except for the context menus.

The server SYSREPOS file contains all the context menu entries but the SYSREPOSMENUCONTEXT records on the client server are missing all the entries. All the SYSREPOSMENUCONTEXT records are present on my laptop.


Which DOS file contains the SYSREPOSMENUCONTEXT file?

How can I copy the SYSREPOSMENUCONTEXT records from my laptop to the client server.

BTW When listing the SYSREPOSMENUCONTEXT file on the server there is no dictionary whereas on my laptop there is a dictionary list on the SYSREPOSMENUCONTEXT file. Not sure is that is significant.

Running OI9.4.2

Any advice would be appreciated.


At 28 MAY 2020 06:23AM Andrew McAuley wrote:



Copying the DOS files should have done it? Do these files exist on the target and do they have a length?

The Sprezzatura Group

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At 28 MAY 2020 06:39AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

As my wise colleague has pointed out - DOS numbers are not guaranteed. For confirmation either run a LISTMEDIA/VOLUME or check out the Database Manager Utilities/OpenInsight Tables/LH Table Info dialog.

The Sprezzatura Group

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At 28 MAY 2020 08:03AM cmeyer wrote:

Recopying the DOS file REV30094 & REV30095 Ov & LK (dict & data) files did NOT fix the problem.

I copied the SYSREPOSMENUCONTEXT dict and data records from my laptop to the server and that fixed the issue. Context menus are now working for the client. Still not sure what happened. Also checked some of the other file such as SYSREPOSPOPUPS and these files appear to be in tact.

Thanks Andrew for your help.


At 28 MAY 2020 08:09AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

Much as I hate letting a puzzle go unsolved, if it's working it's working :). Be interesting to check the REV numbers of the server file though :)

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