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At 28 JAN 2020 08:24:40AM Mike Ruane wrote:

Hello All-

After an inordinately long build process, resulting from ransomware recovery and building a new build process, and continually adding features and finding and fixing bugs, we're getting close to an OpenInsight 10.0.8 beta release.

It'll likely be a week or two, but we're pretty confident with the build, and are testing it internally, and when we're satisfied with how it performs, we'll make a call for an informal beta/prerelease.

When we are ready, we'll make an announcement for anyone who'd like to give it a try.

Thanks very much for your patience - we look forward to getting this release out!

Mike Ruane

Revelation Software

At 28 JAN 2020 08:27AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

Looking forward to it!

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 28 JAN 2020 11:36PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:

Great! Thanks for the update

At 21 FEB 2020 12:33PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:

Hi Mike .. i know that prognostication is an art (and seldom possible) but do you have a feel for when 10.8 might be coming out? I hate to be the one asking this … but just need to be able to schedule some time.

Thanks .. Dsig

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