Data Warehouse (OpenInsight)
At 13 DEC 2000 11:07:26PM Bob Watson wrote:
Ummmmm - can I invoke the a data warehousing procedure programatically - that is, when someone logs in I want to automatically start data warehousing OR do you have to go thru the whole warehouse wizard thing to get it going?
Bob Watson
At 14 DEC 2000 09:18AM WinWin/Revelation Technical Support wrote:
You can invoke it programattically- either by calling the warehouse manager window, or byt calling the WP_ program yourself.
I'm not in the office, but I can give you names when I return.
Mike Ruane
At 14 DEC 2000 06:01PM Bob Watson wrote:
Thanks - i'd appreciate it…
At 19 DEC 2000 04:57AM Bob Watson wrote:
Thank You
Bob Watson