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At 19 APR 2012 11:11:30AM John Sullivan wrote:

OI 9.3.1,Server Win 2008, Work Station Win 7 32bit pro.

Last night I upgraded to OI 9.3.1. and also ran OIPIUPdate931.EXE. I ran the client install with the .net 4 option because we want to use encryption in the future. The application works fine. This morning I needed to make changes to a program using the system editor. When I opened the stored procedure the record was blank. I attempted to open a data record and the editor displayed a blank. When I looked the record up in its associated window it was there. I attempted to do the same thing with my backup copy and both the program and record displayed blank. I loaded my backup copy to an XP workstation on another network with the .net 4 option. The editor displayed the program and the record. What needs to be done to fix this?

At 19 APR 2012 11:35AM Aaron Kaplan wrote:

OI 9.3.1,Server Win 2008, Work Station Win 7 32bit pro.

Last night I upgraded to OI 9.3.1. and also ran OIPIUPdate931.EXE. I ran the client install with the .net 4 option because we want to use encryption in the future. The application works fine. This morning I needed to make changes to a program using the system editor. When I opened the stored procedure the record was blank. I attempted to open a data record and the editor displayed a blank. When I looked the record up in its associated window it was there. I attempted to do the same thing with my backup copy and both the program and record displayed blank. I loaded my backup copy to an XP workstation on another network with the .net 4 option. The editor displayed the program and the record. What needs to be done to fix this?

You probably need to run the client setup again to reregister the editor components.

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At 19 APR 2012 12:02PM John Sullivan wrote:

  • third_party_content/community/commentary/forums_works/6f5ba5d000042122fc34ffd00.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/12/30 11:57
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