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At 05 JUN 2021 04:43:09AM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:

I want to recreate a system written in Access

But want to create the tables on the fly

And then create the dicts at the same time

Tables no issue


How do I create all the dictionaries via a procedure

Will make it easy to change over then

I will have all the details to create it with



At 05 JUN 2021 05:05AM Carl Pates wrote:

HI Gerry,

Dictionary columns are just records in the "DICT." table so create that when you create the data table and then build the records for each column and simply write them there.

You can use the DICT_EQUATES insert record as a guide to what the fields are in the column record if you're not familiar with them already.

Carl Pates

At 05 JUN 2021 06:12AM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:

Ok thanks Carl

Will have a go

Never done it before


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