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At 09 APR 2021 10:14:47AM Byron Shindler wrote:

Hi all. I have an OI 10.0.2 OECGI4 working with IIS on Win10. When I upgraded 10.0.2 to 10.0.8, OEGCI4 quit working. When I restore OI10.0.2, it works. The symptom is the inet_trace request hangs waiting for a response. OECGI4 is running in the task manager. When I don’t start the server, I get the “forcefully rejected” message. Inet_Trace is in the CFG_INET white list in 10.0.8 and I’m not getting the white list “.” response. This is acting like permission or port blocks. I tried the 10.0.2 OECGI4 requesting to 10.0.8. I tried giving IUSRS more privileges. I tried giving IUSRS my user ID. I added the ports to McAfee. The Log shows only the bad gateway error when I terminate the hung OECGI4 with the task manager. What am I missing?

At 09 APR 2021 11:19AM bshumsky wrote:

Hi all. I have an OI 10.0.2 OECGI4 working with IIS on Win10. When I upgraded 10.0.2 to 10.0.8, OEGCI4 quit working. When I restore OI10.0.2, it works. The symptom is the inet_trace request hangs waiting for a response. OECGI4 is running in the task manager. When I don’t start the server, I get the “forcefully rejected” message. Inet_Trace is in the CFG_INET white list in 10.0.8 and I’m not getting the white list “.” response. This is acting like permission or port blocks. I tried the 10.0.2 OECGI4 requesting to 10.0.8. I tried giving IUSRS more privileges. I tried giving IUSRS my user ID. I added the ports to McAfee. The Log shows only the bad gateway error when I terminate the hung OECGI4 with the task manager. What am I missing?

Hi, Byron. Sorry for the problems you've encountered.

When you tried the 10.0.2 OECGI4 requesting to 10.0.8, what happened? Did it also hang? That would imply the problem isn't with the EXE, but rather with "something" in OI (or the engine server). If you run the engine server in 'debug' mode when you make this call, do you see any error messages or anything else "odd" in the "chatter" that's going on? Just as a reminder, if needed, you can run the engine server in 'debug' mode by using the "EngineServerDebug.bat" batch command in the OI 10 folder.


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 09 APR 2021 01:48PM Byron Shindler wrote:

Hi Brian. Yes, the 10.0.2 OECGI4 to OI 10.0.8 did hang also. I don’t see any chatter that acknowledges the OECGI4 request. Here are the last few rows of the chatter before the OECGI4 request was sent. Nothing appeared after the request.

In LOGGED IN state

doing CALL

Returning *0☺0☺☺*

Returning *0☺0☺☺*

outputLine is *0☺0☺☺*

outputLine is *0☺0☺☺*

In Phantom, all done with commands

In Phantom, all done with commands

In OEngineFactory: RemoveEngine - removing used engine from lSynchronous

Have 2 entries to check

checking entry #0

found the entry in the lSynchronous

Closing engine

In OEngineFactory: RemoveEngine - removing used engine from lSynchronous

Have 1 entries to check

checking entry #0

found the entry in the lSynchronous

Closing engine

At 09 APR 2021 01:52PM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Byron. Thanks for the response.

So, where do you have the information in your registry? Obviously, OECGI4 from 10.0.2 and 10.0.8 _should_ be looking in the same place. But the fact that the 10.0.8 _java_ side doesn't see you "hitting" it with a request means that maybe the port number it's listening on is different than what you were specifying in 10.0.2…?

If you'd like, you can go ahead and email your eserver.cfg (which will show me the port number) and a screen shot of your registry (which will show me what port number OECGI4 is trying to talk to) to info at, and I'll take a quick look at them.


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 09 APR 2021 02:08PM Byron Shindler wrote:

Ha, at least I should get your name spelled right as often as mine is misspelled by others. 😊

Email sent… Thx

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