Trying to set up GIT using document (GIT User Guide 1.0) (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 26 SEP 2021 03:35:48PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
I am trying to set GIT to work with OI. I have gotten to page 25 in the setup and find that NONE of the Command Interface items are a) available in the ide page and b) available in the git extensions folders.
Is there a newer document available? Could someone step through the document and explain to me where i got off line …
At 27 SEP 2021 09:43AM bob carten wrote:
Hi Dave,
The documentation is out of date. We simplified the settings for OI 10.1. I'll get you some newer instructions.
At 27 SEP 2021 12:45PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
thanks bob
At 27 SEP 2021 08:17PM bob carten wrote:
Hi Dave,
I talk faster than I type. Here is a link to a quick
Is this helpful?
- Bob
At 28 SEP 2021 09:28PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
Thanks for that .. but I am getting an error on save of proc …
GPSH001: Invalid exportPath "D:\GITREPOS\D:\GitRepos\DemoGit\STPROC\" passed to the RTI_GIT_PUSH_ENTITY procedure
this path "D:\GitRepos\DemoGit" exists .. not sure why it is saying "D:\GITREPOS"
At 28 SEP 2021 09:37PM Dave Sigafoos wrote:
I recreated the setup and now it is creating the STROC subdirectory and then freezing <sigh>.