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At 13 FEB 2008 06:23:04PM Barry Stevens wrote:

In VISTA and OI8.0.3

Created form with OLE control. Enter RICHTEXT.RichtextCtrl in Text value.

When run and in design shows as a browser with "Navigation to the webpage was canceled"

At 13 FEB 2008 07:38PM Matthew Jones wrote:

It sounds like the ocx (richtx32.ocx) is not registered.

I don't think it's supplied standard on Vista.

Regsvr32 richtx32.ocx.

I'm using Vista and the control works in Excel, but not OI 8.0.1+ (as per my other thread).

This richtx32.ocx looks like quite an old control.

I couldn't find anything out there after v6.0.84.18 dated 25/5/2000.

Should I be using something more up-to-date, hopefully with the same functionality? Does anyone know of anything?


Matthew Jones.

At 13 FEB 2008 09:56PM Barry Stevens wrote:

Installed and registered

Tested on same machine (VISTA)

In OI8.0.3 you can not use enter or any of the navigation buttons

In OI7 all is OK.

Can someone at Rev test this

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