Send Email via Lotus Notes (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 04 JUN 2010 07:06:45AM Bill North wrote:
I know this is not an OI support issue, but I had a vbscript which allowed me to send an email using the Lotus Notes client but this does not seem to work in version 8.5 would anyone have any ideas? another way of doing this in OI?
At 04 JUN 2010 10:03AM Bob Carten wrote:
Hi Bill,
I've been using this in OI 8.x for a while.
IIRC There can be minor differences depending on the version.
This runs on a desktop using the currently logged in user's credentials.
- Bob
0001 Function SendNotesEmail(inRecipients, insubj, inbdy, inAttachments, inCCs) 0002 /* 0003 //************************************** 0004 // Name: A++ Send Lotus Notes Email VBS S 0005 // cript 0006 // Description:Simple script to send a Lo 0007 // tus Notes email. Can be modified to auto 0008 // mate tasks on the server. 0009 // By: Steven Jacobs 0010 // 0011 //This code is copyrighted and has limited warranties 0012 // see 0013 ************************************** 0014 0015 06-06-07 rjc Translated to OI 0016 0017 */ 0018 0019 0020 $insert Logical 0021 $insert Msg_equates 0022 0023 equ crlf$ to \0D0A\ 0024 0025 recipients = if assigned(inRecipients) then inRecipients else '' 0026 subj = if assigned(inSubj) then inSubj else '' 0027 bdy = if assigned(inBdy) then inBdy else '' 0028 attachments = if assigned( inattachments ) then inattachments else '' 0029 ccs = if assigned( inccs ) then inccs else '' 0030 err = '' 0031 0032 if recipients = '' then err := '- Recipent required ' 0033 if subj = '' then err := '- Subject required ' 0034 if bdy = '' then err := '- Body Required' 0035 0036 if err then 0037 GoTo ErrorHandler 0038 end 0039 0040 fs = OleCreateInstance("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 0041 if OleStatus() then 0042 err = "Could Not Create FileSystemObject" 0043 GoTo ErrorHandler 0044 end 0045 0046 0047 col = '' 0048 exists = true$ 0049 loop 0050 remove Attachment from attachments at col setting mark 0051 if attachment # '' then 0052 exists = ( dir(inAttachments)<1> > 0 ) 0053 if exists else 0054 err = 'Invalid Attachment ' : attachment 0055 GoTo ErrorHandler 0056 end 0057 end 0058 while Exists 0059 while mark 0060 repeat 0061 0062 formatted_recips = '' 0063 col = '' 0064 loop 0065 remove item from recipients at col setting mark 0066 test = index(item, '@', 1) 0067 if test then 0068 begin case 0069 case count(item, ' ') 0070 case count(item, '<') 0071 case otherwise$ 0072 item = '<' : item : '>' 0073 end case 0074 formatted_recips<-1> = item 0075 end 0076 while mark 0077 repeat 0078 convert @fm to ';' in formatted_recips 0079 0080 formatted_ccs = '' 0081 col = '' 0082 loop 0083 remove item from ccs at col setting mark 0084 test = index(item, '@', 1) 0085 if test then 0086 begin case 0087 case count(item, ' ') 0088 case count(item, '<') 0089 case otherwise$ 0090 item = '<' : item : '>' 0091 end case 0092 formatted_ccs<-1> = item 0093 end 0094 while mark 0095 repeat 0096 convert @fm to ';' in formatted_ccs 0097 0098 if err then 0099 return '' 0100 end 0101 0102 s = OleCreateInstance("Notes.NotesSession") 0103 If OleStatus() then 0104 err = "Could Not Create A Session Of Notes." 0105 GoTo ErrorHandler 0106 end 0107 0108 mailserver = s->getenvironmentstring("MailServer",true$) 0109 mailfile = s->getenvironmentstring("Mailfile",true$) 0110 db = s->getdatabase(mailserver, Mailfile ) 0111 if oleStatus() then 0112 err = 'Could find or Get a handle on the mail file' 0113 GoTo ErrorHandler 0114 end 0115 0116 doc = db->createdocument() 0117 rtitem = doc->createrichtextitem("BODY") 0118 doc->form = "Memo" 0119 doc->subject = subj 0120 doc->sendto = formatted_recips 0121 if formatted_ccs # '' then 0122 doc->copyto = formatted_ccs 0123 end 0124 doc->body = bdy 0125 //doc->postdate=date() 0126 0127 col = '' 0128 loop 0129 remove attachment from attachments at col setting mark 0130 if attachment # '' then 0131 x = rtitem->embedobject(1454,"",Attachment) 0132 end 0133 while mark 0134 repeat 0135 0136 doc->visible = True$ 0137 s = doc->send(False$) 0138 GoSub Cleanup 0139 def = '' 0140 def<mCaption$> = "Message Sent Notification." 0141 def<mIcon$> = 'I' 0142 def<mText$> = "Your message has been created and sent." : crlf$ :"Thank you." 0143 msg(@window, def) 0144 0145 return '' 0146 0147 ErrorHandler: 0148 GoSub Cleanup 0149 Msg(@window, err) 0150 return '' 0151 0152 0153 CleanUp: 0154 s = '' 0155 db = '' 0156 doc = '' 0157 rtitem = '' 0158 fs = '' 0159 return