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At 14 JUL 2021 02:40:21PM Jim Vaughan wrote:

We use INET_OI_XML to export dates in XML format. The date looks like the below. Is it possible to export the date in a different format?

09 AUG 2021 04:09

Jim R Vaughan

At 14 JUL 2021 03:05PM D Harmacek wrote:

Looks to me like a OConv 'DT' format.

Pleas give an example of your "different format"?

Dave Harmacek - Harmacek Database Systems - near Boston, MA USA

At 14 JUL 2021 03:21PM Jim Vaughan wrote:

This is from the customer, they asked for "either an ISO or US date format"

Jim R Vaughan

At 14 JUL 2021 03:32PM D Harmacek wrote:

Still wish I had an example.

Write a symbolic without a Conversion.

The formula would look like @ANS = oconv( {MYUSADATE}, "D4/")

Data of 19544 internal would look like "07/14/2021".

Dave Harmacek - Harmacek Database Systems - near Boston, MA USA

At 14 JUL 2021 03:39PM Jim Vaughan wrote:

I currently have a symbolic defined with a format of DATETIME, is this what INET_OI_XML is using?

Jim R Vaughan

At 14 JUL 2021 04:06PM Jim Vaughan wrote:

I figured this out I just need to change the format and conversion on the table to use my own already existing subroutine which I use on data entry forms.

Jim R Vaughan

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