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At 11 JUL 2023 10:55:12AM Ben Kelly wrote:

I'm trying to communicate with the Chat GPT Api in Oinsight.

Has anyone done this yet?

I'm trying to follow the OponAI instructions here

It's telling us how to do it in Python,

I think part of my problem is that I'm including the Authorisation in the main payload whereas in the Python examples it's in a separate header. As far as I'm aware I can't separate it out like that in OI.

Function CHAT_GPT_API()

Error = ""

declare function url_encoder_decoder, Ole_GetWebPage, Contains, get_property, set_property

payload = ""

ApiKey = xlate("KEYS",1,"CHAT_GPT_API","X")

endpoint = ""

prompt = "Say this is a test"

Params = "Content-Type":@FM

Values = "application/json":@FM

Params := "Authorization":@FM

Values := "Bearer ":ApiKey:@FM

Params := "model" :@FM

Values := "text-davinci-003":@FM

Params := "prompt":@FM

Values := prompt:@FM

Params := "max_tokens":@FM

Values := 7:@FM

Params := "temperature"

Values := "0"

Ctr = Count(Params,@FM) + (Params # "")

payload = endpoint

For x = 1 to Ctr

param = Params<x>

value = Values<x>

if value then

value = url_encoder_decoder(value)

payload := param:"=":value:"&"


next x

payload[-1,1] = ""

Retval = set_Property("CLIPBOARD",payload)


payload = ""

Response = Ole_GetWebPage(payload, 'POST')

Retval = set_Property("CLIPBOARD",response)

Gosub ReadResponse



Error = Contains(Response,'"error":')

If Error Then

ErrorResponse = Response

Swap "[{" with "" in ErrorResponse

Swap "}]" with "" in ErrorResponse

Swap '"' with "" in ErrorResponse

Swap ", " with '|' in ErrorResponse

Swap "{" with in ErrorResponse Swap "}" with in ErrorResponse

Swap "error:" with '' in ErrorResponse

If ErrorResponses Then

ErrorResponses := "|":ErrorResponse

End Else

ErrorResponses = ErrorResponse


End Else

swap '":' with @VM in Response

swap ',"' with @FM in Response

swap '{' with "" in Response

swap '}' with "" in Response

swap '"' with "" in Response

Ctr = Count(Response,@FM) + (Response # "")

id = Response<Ctr,2>



The Response I get from the API is


"error": {

"message": "You didn't provide an API key. You need to provide your API key in an Authorization header using Bearer auth (i.e. Authorization: Bearer YOUR_KEY), or as the password field (with blank username) if you're accessing the API from your browser and are prompted for a username and password. You can obtain an API key from",

"type": "invalid_request_error",

"param": null,

"code": null



At 11 JUL 2023 10:58AM Donald Bakke wrote:

I think part of my problem is that I'm including the Authorisation in the main payload whereas in the Python examples it's in a separate header. As far as I'm aware I can't separate it out like that in OI.

If you look at the documentation for OLE_GetWebPage, you'll notice that the fourth argument is where you can add request header information. See if that works for you.

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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