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At 12 SEP 2001 01:32:47AM Donald Bakke wrote:

Revelation and community,

We started to get the above error yesterday. It seems to only occur when we compile a new procedure for the first time. Afterwards, the procedure continues to compile without any apparent problems. We also do not seem to have any problems running the procedures after they have been compiled.

I've ran LHVERIFY on everything, especially SYSREPOS, SYSPROCS, and SYSOBJ. No problems were detected.

Any "insights" would be greatly appreciated.


SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 12 SEP 2001 01:39AM Donald Bakke wrote:

Well, I should have known better than to post before I searched. Please disregard any serious attention to my previous post for now. I found this response by Cam. It seems very plausible that this is our problem as well.


SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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