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At 07 JUN 2022 09:27:07AM Andrew McAuley wrote:

At Barry's request - as we can't move posts between boards, here's a link to a discussion of the issue.

The Sprezzatura Group

The Sprezzatura Blog

World leaders in all things RevSoft

At 07 JUN 2022 10:23AM bob carten wrote:

Thanks Andrew.

We intend that the indexing routines in oi10 produce results compatible with OI9, but users have found cases where that is not true.

Per the link above, you can edit a sysenv record to revert to the oi9 indexing routines.

OI 10.2 has some fixes for the issues encountered rebuilding and updating huge indexes. !0.2 also fixes some relational index issues that were identified by the SRPCS team.

At 07 JUN 2022 10:54AM Donald Bakke wrote:

Thanks Andrew.

We intend that the indexing routines in oi10 produce results compatible with OI9, but users have found cases where that is not true.

Per the link above, you can edit a sysenv record to revert to the oi9 indexing routines.

OI 10.2 has some fixes for the issues encountered rebuilding and updating huge indexes. !0.2 also fixes some relational index issues that were identified by the SRPCS team.

Bob - So is this a YMMV situation or is it recommended to always use the compatability switch if using OI 9 and OI 10.1 on the same tables?

Don Bakke

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

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