Installers (OpenInsight)
At 17 MAY 2001 11:03:37AM Rick Todd wrote:
Does Revelation recommend any particular "installer" to use to
package your program to the client? I have checked out information about the VISE installer, Install Shield, and Wise installers. It is evident there will need to be a choice of an installer program, and I
wondered if Revelation has one in particular they recommend?
It appears pretty straight forward that you would build and
installation program using one of these utilities (they all have a trial option, I think, of some sort) and it breaks down the tasks you want to perform during the install. For example: Adding / deleting / changing files – reading / changing registry settings – looking for previous versions and/or other software applications.
What installer does Revelation use for it's upgrades?
At 17 MAY 2001 07:01PM Donald Bakke wrote:
Revelation uses InstallShield for their installations and so do many OI developers. If you are simply installing a complete application then any of them should do nicely. If you intend on installing the OpenInsight (or OIPI) DLL/OCX files yourself then you will need to make sure that your installation software knows to put these files in the System folder and not the System32 folder for NT/2000 machines. InstallShield will do this if you tell it that this is a 16-bit (i.e. Win 3.1) installation. Otherwise it could clobber some system files.
The other consideration is if you want to send application updates using the installation software or not. That is, this would allow users to run the setup program and have the updates automatically installed into the existing OI application. Sprezz does this quite regularly as a way of maintaining a very nice and professional image. Other companies will simply distribute the update files and provide a menu within OI to load the updates.
If you want the installation software to process your updates then you need to make sure it supports 16-bit DLL's. Again, InstallShield does this and is probably why Revelation and others use it as well. I don't know anything about VISE or Wise other than I see them used by other applications.
Hope this helps,