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At 04 MAR 2004 05:54:33PM Leon Shaffer wrote:

I need to be able to change (turn on / turn off) the ReadOnly style in a control. I believe it is in the style property, but need some assistance with this. I did some research in the knowledge base, and it had a program - I tried the program and it did not work ,so I am requesting assistance here!!!

At 04 MAR 2004 06:56PM Mike Ruane wrote:


Here's a code snippet that made all controls read-only on a screen, except for the key field. Hope it helps.

* mtr 2-22-2000

declare function Get_Property, Set_Property


map=Get_Property(Win_name, 'CTRLMAP')

num_controls=count(map, @fm ) + (map # '')

for i=2 to num_controls
	column=Get_Property(CtrlEntID, 'COLUMN')
	ctlType=Get_Property(CtrlEntID, 'TYPE')
	table =Get_Property(CtrlEntID, 'TABLE')
	Col_no=xlate('DICT.':TABLE, Column, 2, 'X')
	if col_no # 0 then
		* get the current style
			x=Set_Property(CtrlEntID, "ENABLED", 0)
		end else
			Style=Get_Property(CtrlEntID, "STYLE")
			if Style 1,2 _eqc "0x" then
			  convert to in Style
			* add the new style
			Style=bitor(Style, AddStyle)
			x=Set_Property(CtrlEntID, "STYLE", Style)
next i

At 04 MAR 2004 07:10PM Leon Shaffer wrote:


Thank you for the response…the 2048 was what I was looking for for the set readonly bit for a control, but how would I set the control back for edit mode instead of readonly?

I need to be able to toggle the readonly bit of a control to on or off…

At 04 MAR 2004 07:19PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:


Check out this threadfor more information on setting edit controls to readonly or search the site for EM_SETREADONLY which is the actual windows message you need.

The Sprezzatura Group

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