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At 29 JUL 2021 06:01:13AM Carl Pates wrote:

As this was mentioned in the Beta Issue tracker here's the documentation for RTI_Log_Event().

   SuccessFlag = RTI_Log_Event( eventType, eventSource, eventText )

This stored procedure is a wrapper around the Windows API ReportEvent() function to write an entry to the Windows Event Log. The parameters are:


      eventType     -> Event type information


                           <1> "ERROR", "INFO", "WARNING", "AUDIT_OK", "AUDIT_FAIL", "SUCCESS"

                           <2> eventID       (defaults to 1000)

                           <3> eventCategory (defaults to 0)


      eventSource   -> Event source information


                           <1> Name of the Event Source. Defaults to "OpenInsight"

                           <2> ServerName (optional). UNC name of a remote server 

                               to log the event to. If null then the local machine 

                               is used.


      eventText     -> Text for the event (optional)






      TRUE$ if the event was logged correctly, FALSE$ otherwise.  Error 

      information is returned via Set_Status()

This is basically a non-PS version of the SYSTEM LOGEVENT method.

Carl Pates

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