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At 05 DEC 2002 07:57:42PM Mark B wrote:

We have several stored procedures over 32k

On one of our machines, using either a local or network version of OI, the larger programs stop saving or compiling. It appears to save and compile correctly but if you close it and reopen it, only the version that was saved\compiled before the magical number of characters was reached returns.

I understand this happening when the programs reach around 64k but on this machine, programs about half that size are causing problems.

When compiling on the network versions from a different workstation, everything functions correctly.

Using OI 3.7.5

Any Ideas?



At 05 DEC 2002 09:37PM Donald Bakke wrote:


It has been long documented that stored procedures cannot easily exceed 32K. This is primarily due to the limitations of the Windows edit control used by the System Editor. Different flavors of Windows seem to handle this better or worse than others, which accounts for what you are experiencing.

SRP Computer Solutions, Inc.

At 08 DEC 2002 06:22PM Mark B wrote:

  • third_party_content/community/commentary/forums_works/82bfc017b407e28185256c87000548a9.txt
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