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At 12 NOV 2012 02:49:21PM john bouley wrote:

My O4W app is partially working. However on a table that is within a tab instead of displaying the url that is supposed to appear I receive the following: HTTP Error 502.2 - Bad Gateway

The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are "nul".

This repeats for each row in the table.

I have gone through and checked the setup of IIS 7.5 and can not find where the problem is.

Thank you,


At 12 NOV 2012 03:12PM bshumsky wrote:

My O4W app is partially working. However on a table that is within a tab instead of displaying the url that is supposed to appear I receive the following: HTTP Error 502.2 - Bad Gateway

The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are "nul".

This repeats for each row in the table.

I have gone through and checked the setup of IIS 7.5 and can not find where the problem is.

Thank you,


Hi, John. Did this use to work, and has now stopped? If so, what's changed? Did you just upgrade your OI? The server? The workstation/browser?


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 12 NOV 2012 03:33PM john bouley wrote:

Hi Bryan,

Yes this used to work. This is in my development environment and I'm not sure why it stopped. Perhaps an update from Microsoft or perhaps an unintentional configuration change in IIS? Here is what I did to try and get it working.

1. Deleted the O4W folder on my C: drive contained under wwwroot.

2. Copied the o4w folder that is located on my networked development environment of OI v9.21 to c:\inetpub\wwwroot

3. Went back through the setup of iis and recreated the virtual folder

4. Found that start.htm would not even load. Looked in o4w and found web.config where it was pointing to a non-existent path? Renamed the file, restart iis and now start.htm now loads

5. Tried to run the appliction. The "custom" login page pops up and allows me access.

6. The application page is displayed along with its 5 tabs.

7. In two of the tabs, I have a table. Within cells of the table are supposed to be hyperlinks that when cliked run another o4w program. It is in-place of these hyperlinks that the error, previously mentined, is being displayed.

Yes I did make a small change to this program but after having problems commented out the change and it still will not work correctly.



At 12 NOV 2012 03:47PM bshumsky wrote:

Hi Bryan,

Yes this used to work. This is in my development environment and I'm not sure why it stopped. Perhaps an update from Microsoft or perhaps an unintentional configuration change in IIS? Here is what I did to try and get it working.

1. Deleted the O4W folder on my C: drive contained under wwwroot.

2. Copied the o4w folder that is located on my networked development environment of OI v9.21 to c:\inetpub\wwwroot

3. Went back through the setup of iis and recreated the virtual folder

4. Found that start.htm would not even load. Looked in o4w and found web.config where it was pointing to a non-existent path? Renamed the file, restart iis and now start.htm now loads

5. Tried to run the appliction. The "custom" login page pops up and allows me access.

6. The application page is displayed along with its 5 tabs.

7. In two of the tabs, I have a table. Within cells of the table are supposed to be hyperlinks that when cliked run another o4w program. It is in-place of these hyperlinks that the error, previously mentined, is being displayed.

Yes I did make a small change to this program but after having problems commented out the change and it still will not work correctly.



Can you get to the O4W development pages (you know, any of the pages off of the start.htm)? In particular, can you get to the "Maintain O4W Configuration" page? This uses both tabs and tables - does it look right?


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 12 NOV 2012 03:52PM john bouley wrote:

Yes I can get to these records. Yes I "think" they look fine as I do see tables, although none contain urls. On Scripts page it is set for Google CDN? If I click Save changes (no changes were made), I receive a message indicating "You must provide the URL for JQuery before proceeding"


At 12 NOV 2012 04:08PM bshumsky wrote:

Yes I can get to these records. Yes I "think" they look fine as I do see tables, although none contain urls. On Scripts page it is set for Google CDN? If I click Save changes (no changes were made), I receive a message indicating "You must provide the URL for JQuery before proceeding"


If I understand your original post correctly, you're not getting an error when you _click_ on the link in a table, you're getting an error when we even just display the text - is that correct? That's implying that there's a problem rendering the table, not the contents of the table cell (unless your link is to an image?).

Now, this message about providing a URL to jQuery before proceeding - on the Scripts page, where it's set to the Google CDN, what are the other textboxes and listboxes set to? What do you have for the URL for JQuery from O4W? What's the selected jQuery version? What's the selected jQuery theme?

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 12 NOV 2012 08:52PM john bouley wrote:

Hi Bryan,

Okay when it is set to Google CDN the only other prompts are "Standard Scripts" and "Source for Graphing Library". Looking at the contents of Scripts it shows the src= "…/javascript/o4wscripts.pack.js" and others pointing to "../plugins".

If I change it to "Provided O4W files" then other options are available:

URL for jQuery for O4W: ../jquery

jQuery version: not selected

jQuery theme: UI lightness

On thing I noticed is on the "malfunctioning url" in my table is that it executed the url and was showing the results in-line. For instance, under normal circumstances, the user would click on the link in the table and it would open another IE, execute the O4W program and show the information. On the first line of the table, it showed the contents of the user click within the cell. All other rows in the table showed the original error… Very strange.



At 13 NOV 2012 11:27AM john bouley wrote:


okay I found the problem. It turns out the type of O4WLink was being set as embed. After changing this to normal it resolved the problem.



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