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At 05 MAR 2020 01:14:22PM Mark Glicksman wrote:

When trying to start a version 9.4 app, I see the following message: "The procedure entry point StrByteCount

BackwardEX could not be found in dynamic link library D:\BGBAPPS\Bgmapwin\Oinsight\OENGINE.DLL"

How can that be resolved?



Mark Glicksman

BG-Map Botanical Garden Mapping System/GIS

Mapping the world… one plant at a time x283

At 05 MAR 2020 01:57PM bshumsky wrote:

When trying to start a version 9.4 app, I see the following message: "The procedure entry point StrByteCount

BackwardEX could not be found in dynamic link library D:\BGBAPPS\Bgmapwin\Oinsight\OENGINE.DLL"

How can that be resolved?



Mark Glicksman

BG-Map Botanical Garden Mapping System/GIS

Mapping the world… one plant at a time x283

Hi, Mark. Just to get a little bit more information…

Is this a new installation, or one that's been working before today? Anything change on the system - Windows update, antivirus, etc.?


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 05 MAR 2020 03:40PM Mark Glicksman wrote:

Here's what I found:

Windows Server 2016

Symantec CMC SmcGui

Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition

Symantec Endpoint Agent

Symantec Service Framework Device Control Agent

At 05 MAR 2020 08:39PM bshumsky wrote:

Here's what I found:

Windows Server 2016

Symantec CMC SmcGui

Symantec Endpoint Protection Small Business Edition

Symantec Endpoint Agent

Symantec Service Framework Device Control Agent

Hi, Mark. Thanks for that. However, if you can, I'd still appreciate it if you could answer the questions I asked before, specifically:

Is this a new installation, or one that's been working before today? Anything change on the system - Windows update, antivirus, etc.?

Without knowing if this is a new install that has NEVER worked, or an installation that has been working but has suddenly stopped, it's hard to help diagnose the issue…


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 10 MAR 2020 02:00PM Mark Glicksman wrote:

Bryan. this is an existing installation that was moved to a new server. I was working before on the old server.

At 10 MAR 2020 02:37PM bshumsky wrote:

Bryan. this is an existing installation that was moved to a new server. I was working before on the old server.

Hi, Mark. OK, then, for all intents, this is a new install.

Have you run the clientsetup.exe on this system? Did you install all both the .net 2 and .net 4 components? Were there any errors reported during the client setup? Does the OInsight start up, and then you see this message, or does the message appear and no OpenInsight appears?


- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 10 MAR 2020 02:47PM Mark Glicksman wrote:

error message:

The following feature couldn't be installed:

.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)

At 10 MAR 2020 02:53PM bshumsky wrote:

error message:

The following feature couldn't be installed:

.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)

Hi, Mark. You will need to install the .net 3.5 library on your server 2016 machine.

I believe this can be done from the Server Manager - choose the Add Roles and Features wizard, and then select the NET Framework 3.5. I don't know if this is a "managed server", and there's an IT department you can refer this to..?

Once you've got the .net framework installed, try to re-run the clientsetup and see if it then installs properly.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 10 MAR 2020 03:23PM Mark Glicksman wrote:

When trying to install the .NET 3.5 Framework, Windows says it cannot find the source path for it. Installation failed. The source files could not be found.

At 10 MAR 2020 03:36PM bshumsky wrote:

When trying to install the .NET 3.5 Framework, Windows says it cannot find the source path for it. Installation failed. The source files could not be found.

Hi, Mark. If you Google "Installing .net 3.5 on Server 2016", you will see a number of references to that same message, as well as what needs to be done. Again, if you have someone else who maintains the system, they might be better suited to performing the required software installation - at the very least, you may need to have access to the Server 2016 installation media…

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

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