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At 16 AUG 2023 08:40:25PM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:


We start a system via mdi and a form with a listbox multiple columns.

We use this as a menu, simulating Arev.

The second column doesn't display except for the first line.

We used to have this in OI9 and as part of the start moved the form down and up by a minute amount to get it to show.

It did eventually get fixed.

Is there code we can use to prevent this or is it an OI issue.

Running on a Windows 10 PC

Works ok on my Windows Server.



At 17 AUG 2023 04:40AM Carl Pates wrote:

Hi Gerry,

I haven't seen this before - is there an RDK you can send me that reproduces it?


Carl Pates

At 17 AUG 2023 05:01AM Gerry Van Niekerk wrote:

Will try and do early next week


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