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At 15 MAR 2022 03:33:02PM Jim Vaughan wrote:

What versions of .NET does OI 10 require?

Does it still use .NET 3.5?

Jim R Vaughan

At 15 MAR 2022 05:53PM Richard Bright wrote:

Hi Jim

The Quick Start Guide says .Net 4.x - so with current Win10 this would be 4.8

My take is that .Net4.x is x64bit - necessary for compatibility; .Net 3.5 is x32 compatible so OI9.x


At 15 MAR 2022 06:08PM Jim Vaughan wrote:

Thank you.

Jim R Vaughan

At 15 MAR 2022 08:17PM bshumsky wrote:

Hi, Jim. Just to clarify some of the previous answers…

OI 10.x _supports_ .NET 2.x - which requires the .Net Framework 3.5 - in case you have any applications that use it (for example, you might have some .NET 2 NetOI projects lying about). During the clientsetup, you can optionally choose to install the .NET 2.x RevelationDotNet stuff.

The "built in" parts of OI 10.x rely on .NET 4.x, so that framework (currently at least .Net Framework 4.7.2, I believe) must be installed on each workstation.

It's not really a 32 vs 64 bit issue - each version of .NET framework has more features, bug fixes, better security, etc., which is why Microsoft wants you to develop with newer, rather than older, versions.

Hope that helps,

- Bryan Shumsky

Revelation Software, Inc.

At 16 MAR 2022 02:18PM Jim Vaughan wrote:

Thank you for the detailed answer.

Jim R Vaughan

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