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At 15 JUN 1998 08:40:15PM Matt Crozier wrote:

Dear RevSoft,

We have a program which loops through just about every file in the system, executing a Basic+ SELECT statement and other processing on each file. This breaks to the debugger at some late stage with a RPT9 VEML error. The call stack shows that this was called from RTP12 (Select). It seems as though something is internally being accumlated within RTP9. Is there any way of clearing this up??



At 16 JUN 1998 03:44AM Nick Stevenson wrote:

Are you doing a Clearselect before each Select?

At 16 JUN 1998 05:29PM Matt Crozier wrote:

]]Are you doing a Clearselect before each Select?

Well, we do a Clearselect after the Readnext loop terminates so that should clear things up (otherwise we'd run out of cursors, I guess)


At 22 JUN 1998 07:44AM Cameron Purdy wrote:


RTP9 is OPEN. If the table has not been opened previously, it places the new handle in @tables(5) based on the position of the table name in @tables(0). It sounds like your set of attached tables is huge, or their handles are huge anyway. The only solution is to detach and reattach tables which have been previously opened; that will "close" them.

Cameron Purdy

Revelation Software

At 22 JUN 1998 05:50PM Matt Crozier wrote:

Thanks Cam, that makes sense. Both are true - we do have a large number of files and the handles are huge because of a 3 level directory structure (15 characters) and an MFS (18 characters) on each file. It looks like we'll have to review our directory structure.


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