O4W Logout and back button (O4W)
At 15 SEP 2011 07:49:28AM Bill North wrote:
When you logout from O4W if you hit the back key in the browser you can view forms previously displayed including their contents, is there a way to stop this?
I have added META commands to stop Caching but this seems to have had no effect.
At 16 SEP 2011 10:48AM bshumsky wrote:
When you logout from O4W if you hit the back key in the browser you can view forms previously displayed including their contents, is there a way to stop this?
I have added META commands to stop Caching but this seems to have had no effect.
Hi, Bill.
It looks like there are certain commands that need to be issued on each page you don't want to see anymore - and it has to be done when those pages are served up; it's not something you can do just at the logout point. Some googling also shows that you might need to issue these as actual headers and not via the META tags.
See for example this StackOverflow article.
If you're building these O4W pages yourself, you can call the INETAPI_SETNOCACHE routine to try and set these values.
Hope that helps,
- Bryan Shumsky
At 19 SEP 2011 10:33AM Bill North wrote:
Hi Bryan,
The Meta tags don't seem to work!
Would coding the form and using INETAPI_SETNOCACHE work? Do you have documentation on this function?
At 19 SEP 2011 11:40AM bshumsky wrote:
Hi Bryan,
The Meta tags don't seem to work!
Would coding the form and using INETAPI_SETNOCACHE work? Do you have documentation on this function?
Hi, Bill. Yes, as I described in my prior post, the meta tags apparently do not do the trick, which is why I indicated that (if you're coding the form) you can use the INETAPI_SETNOCACHE routine.
All you'd need to do is:
in your code, and that should set the headers appropriately.
- Bryan Shumsky