Table Browser not 32-bit? (OpenInsight 32-Bit)
At 04 APR 2002 09:16:22PM Dave Ballance wrote:
I just tried to open a table from database manager and got the error One of the libraries required to run …\TBLZ.EXE cannot be loaded in the 16-bit system because it is a Win32 DLL.
I did notice the executable TBLZ.EXE is not on the list of items converted to 32-bit. Any Plans to make it 32-bit?
At 04 APR 2002 09:26PM Mike Ruane wrote:
Nope. But there may be a third party replacement…
At 04 APR 2002 09:35PM Mike Ruane wrote:
Nope. But there may be a third party replacement…
At 05 APR 2002 12:22PM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:
I hope not .. its not worth spit (I'm being nice). It should die a quick death. Maybe somebody might cook up a replacement but it probably wouldn't be much better since locking is tough.
Don Miller
C3 Inc.
At 05 APR 2002 04:01PM [url=]The Sprezzatura Group[/url] wrote:
We believe it can be made into a very useful native OI tool and have already identified ways around the problems you moot. We're working on it currently but it isn't at the top of our stack yet!
World Leaders in all things RevSoft
At 05 APR 2002 11:00PM Dave Ballance wrote:
Gee, Don. Don't hold back on those opinions! At least you're giving me a good laugh this afternoon.
At 08 APR 2002 02:58PM Don Miller - C3 Inc. wrote:
David ..
Better than a good cry
At 08 APR 2002 05:09PM Oystein Reigem wrote:
In my experience you get a good feeling from deleting offending software. Make a copy first or you might end up even sorrier. Also be certain to delete the original. That's crucial. After all it's the original that drove you crazy. The copy's innocent, sort of reborn, cleansed of all sins. That's the way it works. You might not find it logical, but in my experience it works. Just have a little faith.
- Oystein -