Property Traits (OpenInsight 64-bit)
At 12 MAY 2021 08:09:01PM Matthew Crozier wrote:
The online documentation classifies properties with 'Traits': Development, Runtime, Indexed, Scaled, and Synthetic.
Can someone remind me what these traits mean?
I can find a description of Synthetic (versus Real), but not the others. Perhaps these would be described on the (blank) Appendix H - Property Type Information page?
Cheers, M@
At 13 MAY 2021 04:58AM Carl Pates wrote:
Hi M@,
Development: Specifies if you can get or set this property in the form designer
Runtime: Specifies if you can get or set this property at runtime via the Get/Set_Property functions
Indexed: Specifies if this property supports the Get/Set_Property "index" parameter
Scaled: Specifies if this property is affected by DPI scaling (basically applies to coordinates and fonts)
Synthetic: You know about :)
At 13 MAY 2021 05:25PM Matthew Crozier wrote:
Great! - thanks, Carl :)
I didn't think to look at the Set_Property help! :wink:
Cheers, M@